Yes. And therefore we ought to be prepared for increased aggression and outright attacks against Womanity to escalate....

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The war on women is vicious. I look at my ERA buttons and can't believe that in 2024 we're fighting to protect our daughters from having Dick in their bathrooms. Twilight zone!!

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Just to clarify, when I use the my word Womanity I mean all people or if you prefer all life.

Of course the war on Women has raged for my entire life, and no one hardly sees it....

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So, where do we end this BullShit?

War between sexes

War with LGBTQ

War between Races

War on Doctors

War between states

War between Countries

War on Religions

How do we settle all this contention?

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Spell check has in the past corrected the word war to water.

Not my original thought, that is what spell check suggests.

The solution is, sic, water, which also is what the solution the word solution means mixed with water....

I like that, as a swimmer...

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Interesting that they change "war" to "water" - as if you must be misspelling. Gag me with a spoon!

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Idea for your next piece. Have fun.

The idea of spell or smell check which is it?

It is to make us feel stupid, by correcting us...which means I must have been saying something wrong or smelling badly, but I am fine with the way I mispell, often intentionally....

How do I smell!!?

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I'd say we need to come together against the global cabal that's doing all it can to control the world by dividing and conquering the rest of us.

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Yes, it's there in the background as if it's totally normal!

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Love it.

Their gravy train has run out of steam.

The Grievance Books

What happened to the Yellow Vests?


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Thank you, Yet Another Tommy! Just read the post you linked to. So glad you shared it and reminded me about the Yellow Vests and how powerful they were becoming. David Hughes and Ian Davis are nailing it beautifully!

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Yes they are!

Btw, I don't know if you've seen this, but I think its great:

A wonderful and scary look at a key Covid psyop:

Mucky Fingerprints: The BBC Pandemic.

How the BBC did much more than scare the pants off people in 2020.


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doncha just love the FLAT EARTH MAP that is the UN LOGO!!! wtfu

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HOPE for Today - thank you AG for your gifted insights. Our Creator lives in the Truth & in time, the Light of Truth will come to pass. Blessings to humanity ...

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You are more than welcome, Susan P! May the Light of Truth come blazing forth!

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Love the "Crackpox" which I guess I've had for many years, according to various relatives and fiends.

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You're making me laugh, Lauren, thanks!

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Especially loved the "Bigpox" and "Crockpox"...

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Thank you. Mother Jones - Mary G Harris Jones 1837-1930. "Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living."

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Brilliant, Anne!

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NEI! (Norwegian)

Another good one, Anne.

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The Sheeple are waking up. It’s a slow developing Tsunami but, it will eventually crush the Globalists.

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Can't wait!!!

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Thank you for another galvanizing work of art, Anne! This would have been perfect for my Memes by Themes on Resistance (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/memes-by-themes-11-resistance), dang it. I'll have to save it for the sequel.

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Thank you, Margaret Anna! Loved the first set and looking forward to the sequel.

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love it! 'crockpox'... must be from gain-of-function research on cooties, lol

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Yes, I think that must be what that is. ;-)

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Check out the book by Dr David E Hughes Navigating Psychological × Neurological Warfare. He was interviewed by Catherine Austin Fitts on her The Solari Report.

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Anne, You've done it again. You just wrote a short story of the WHO's demise.

Not that it will go away any time soon, but it finally is weakened!

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Thank you, Bob Schule! Drip, drip, drip until these monsters are drowned.

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Unfortunately, it's a show for the show watchers. All of these agendas have already been made into federal law by your "lawmakers", and ditto for most states.

As I learned on the bus to university in the mornings, the topic of the day is the movie last night.

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Are you familiar with doortofreedom.org? There's significant resistance to the WHO in many states in the US.

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Yes, I understand. However, all that the WHO is "encoding" with their self-relegated "authority" has already been established into law both federally, and within States' Laws by State Legislators. IT's a big club and we ain't in it, but that's near impossible to accept by the middle classes, which ARE the "political class". The "political class" is the buffer and greatest area of propagandizing, aka "the american dream", the bulwark between the elite and any accountability. Katherine Watts can explain this to you. The part about the laws.

I can definitively and adequately explain how theatre works, but I can't force anyone to learn that. Whatever appears on "the stage" was long ago realized in reality. It doesn't happen on the stage first. We call these "twice enacted actions".

Did people learn nothing whatever from "Event 201"? Pretty much.

Scripted, long rehearsed, set in motion long before it hits the stage. The entire "production" must be set in stone pretty much. Every performance gives a bit of room for fine tuning, but the script is the script. Every single move, word, and "prop"...property...is exhaustively planned in detail to tell THIS STORY. Every single flower vase, piece of furniture. The hours and hours and hours of discussions between the writers, the directors, the producers, the managers, the actors and actresses, the stage production artists....every single miniscule detail of what is seen by the audience is put there for meaning. It's near impossible to teach this to a severely dumbed down boob tube culture which spends it's days discussing the new movie last night on netflix and how much they "love" a certain actor or actress.

Disneyland was built for a reason. "Four Reasons For The Elimination of Television" revealed that in the early seventies. But folks were busy watching Star Trek, cause the techno nerds made it a cult thing. Which means all those up and coming techscience gods had to join in. Another "club". Groups are defined by inclusion and exclusion.

Request that Deborah Tavares at stopthecrime.net send you the two science educational clips from the late fifties, from the US govt., which she posted in early 2020. I"m sure she saved them. They'd already decided before 1960 that there would be a "worldwide flu-like pandemic in 2020. "

Don't get your hopes up that it'll teach folks anything, tho. When I sent it to my brother hoping to get just one thought thru, his response was "they are so prescient".

Using big words makes them real smart, you know.

And they plan those events with sidereal fixed star astrology. And the 20 ytr Saturn Jupiter conj Cycle. Edith Hathaway gives a very good view of this influential planetary cycle. A short version of her book on this topic can be read here:


It's necessary to seek knowledge 366degrees to understand what these freaks are up to.

The earth completes 366 full rotations in a solar year.

Everything they do is facilitated through the money system, which is frankly, dead on arrival. Until we are willing to understand what the money system is and whom it serves, we're spinning our wheels.

The poisons accumulate where there is clinging. And every planet is aspecting Scorpio just now, where the ultimate poisons of Jyestha reside.

Jyestha desires control of the family wealth, it wants to be head of the Family Dynasty. Jyestha will use sorcery to it's ends. Jyestha results in the destruction of all wealth in Mula, where all is brought back down to the roots.

The banks will soon crash over the office building vacancies. Gerald Celente and his excellent "Trends Journal" are worth learning from.

"When all else fails, they take you to war. "

The Ultimate Pressing Issue is the Weaponry visible all around us, and in near every person's hand. Those phone toys are militarized weapons. The denial , the endless historical denial, is what they "banked on", and they're cashing in big time.

I can say repeatedly your cell phone payments are funding your destruction.

Like Cassandra, my curse is to not be heard.

Who's curse is that, really? She who knows, or they who willfully cultivate ignorance/ignoring?

As Dylan sang, "time will tell who has fell and who's been left behind. "

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PS Freedom and Liberty are Practices.

The "door" is Praxis. Practice Freedom. Practice Liberty.

When speaking to those one "works for", however, feel "free" to practice denial. People already have great freedom and liberty, afforded socially, to lie and deny to their safety and comfort's content and profit.

Thus, "Americans" are shocked by "genocide". Which is precisely how most of them became "Americans". See what I mean?

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There have been statements like this before. This is the time to be even more focused than before, so that we are not taken by surprise by the next move.

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I totally agree!

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Thank you for another message of hope and encouragement. We need all the hope we can get. We are so many: "they" are so few. We need to keep be reminded of that. Thanks for all the work you do bringing us together and empowering us.

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Happy to help keep hope alive, Peggy. Thanks!

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