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Yes. And therefore we ought to be prepared for increased aggression and outright attacks against Womanity to escalate....

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The war on women is vicious. I look at my ERA buttons and can't believe that in 2024 we're fighting to protect our daughters from having Dick in their bathrooms. Twilight zone!!

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Just to clarify, when I use the my word Womanity I mean all people or if you prefer all life.

Of course the war on Women has raged for my entire life, and no one hardly sees it....

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So, where do we end this BullShit?

War between sexes

War with LGBTQ

War between Races

War on Doctors

War between states

War between Countries

War on Religions

How do we settle all this contention?

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Spell check has in the past corrected the word war to water.

Not my original thought, that is what spell check suggests.

The solution is, sic, water, which also is what the solution the word solution means mixed with water....

I like that, as a swimmer...

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Interesting that they change "war" to "water" - as if you must be misspelling. Gag me with a spoon!

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Idea for your next piece. Have fun.

The idea of spell or smell check which is it?

It is to make us feel stupid, by correcting us...which means I must have been saying something wrong or smelling badly, but I am fine with the way I mispell, often intentionally....

How do I smell!!?

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I'd say we need to come together against the global cabal that's doing all it can to control the world by dividing and conquering the rest of us.

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Yes, it's there in the background as if it's totally normal!

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