It is such a beautiful poem and reading Margaret, thank you.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, i'll post this again here:
Lament for Torn Out Pages
The crowned virus was never our king and still half the world knelt before it. It was never dangerous and still half the world feared and fled it. It held no power over us and still half the world tore out full chapters of their future, and cast those pages as an offering before it.
The danger of the crowned virus was never more than an invisible notion: no more threatening than climate change or middle eastern terrorism. But just like these forbearers because it went unseen it was everywhere: in every corner, on every surface, in every breath; and it was also nowhere. It was simultaneously disease and death and neither. It was capable of anything and nothing, depending on your point of view.
Like terrorism and climate change, it was a virus of the mind.
And so the future for all was splintered and shattered on the rocks of destiny over a lowly notion of danger, and all of those cast out pages, once brimming with promise and potential, are instead teaming with dread, conformity, gullibility & cowardice masquerading as virtue, and irreparable arrested development.
The deformities now written on these sacred pages cannot be unwritten, and this mournful consequence shall ripple down the corridors of time, permanently altering the future, as if this mind virus were forever spreading within the family tree of mankind.
If we fail to learn from this experience then our failure will be total as nothing good will have come from it. However, if we seize this experience as the lesson we need in order to ensure that we will never again allow this madness to occur, then maybe, just maybe, with so much at stake, we will have gained more than we’ve lost, or at least will have broken even.
As we stand amid the mass destruction propagated by the mere idea of an unseen danger, we hold our delicate future in our hands. Where will we go from here, and what will we take with us?
THANK YOU so much, dearest Anne, for the gift of your art to help us with our mission to find ONE brave Florida senator to sponsor Cody's Law for the vaxx-injured before February 28!
Readers, please see Heather's post with a short list of senators to target with grassroots demands to sponsor Cody's Law:
See also Cody's reading of "Lament of the Vaxx-Injured" and include in your advocacy so we know these politicians have been given an opportunity to see, hear, feel, and help the vaxx-injured:
wonderful art as usual! thank you so much, so many of CAN'T STAND IT either--we are with you all the way! Would you join us in the stop the shots community on twitter? we are having nightly discussions with doctors, nurses, vax injured and activists.
In the 1950s, my first child nearly died from the shots he received...and I thought I was being a good parent. I had no idea of the ingredients in these injections...hazardous aluminum, mercury, and many other items that did not belong in the human body. A sick child got me into the search for answers starting in 1961, when I discovered that his doctor's advice was responsible for his bad health. Vaccine manufacturer's claimed that "vaccines" caused a great immune response, which showed they worked.. They sure worked and created a major response the immune system... to get poisonous matter out of the bloodstream. The only thing that belongs in the bloodstream are nutrients from natural unprocessed, pesticide-free food. Nutrients feed the cells, the organ and the brain...They are responsible for good health.. 2500 years ago, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine said, "Let Food be Your Medicine; and Medicine be Your Food." Anything other than nutrients from wholesome food... don't belong in the bloodstream. When 95% of illness is caused by putting the wrong food or substance in the mouth ...and nutrition is not a required subject to be taught in med school! I had to learn the hard way, as I did not know this as a young mother.
sending light ahead and holding in the loving that the right person steps forward. i know beyond knowing that we have everything within us to handle that which is before us and life is for us for we are this living loving love.
For more immediate use I'd like to refer you to Dr. Margaret Aranda's substack. She's compiling information you can use until mainstream medicine decides to start helping people.
On the contrary, A Citizen, the injected refuse to acknowledge the injured because they are still entrenched in the propaganda. It is too frightening to contemplate what they did to themselves, so they choose denial and either ignore the vaxx-injured or attack them as spreading deadly "misinformation."
The vaxxers mercilessly attacked those of us who didn’t get vaccinated. They didn’t care about us at all and cheered on the government hammering us with restrictions. Unfortunately some of the vaccine injured also participated in the above.
As I stated in replies to people who made similar comments on Twitter, they are not the same. Cody is an autistic young adult who was emotionally manipulated against his parents' wishes into getting injected. He was deceived by a double doctorate family member he trusted into thinking it would protect those he loves, specifically his mother because she has health issues that put her at risk.
You are referring to the COVID kapos and amnesty-demanders:
He is the exception to the rule. I personally warned hundreds of friends and acquaintances and got nothing for my trouble except abuse. Everyone was emotionally manipulated in 2020 and especially 2021. The level of smugness exhibited by the vaxxers was disgusting. There are still people in 2025 being denied medical care for refusing to get the covid19 shots.
I don't think you can paint people who got vaccinated with one brush. Many did so because they saw no alternative and/or assumed it was the right to do. I have friends who ridiculed me, others who didn't understand but didn't care, still others who didn't want to get the shot but felt they had to.
There are always exceptions. The only people getting ridiculed in 2020 and 2021 were people questioning the lockdown or the shots. People behaved extremely badly towards those of us who didn’t get the shots or go along but seem to have amnesia about it now.
It is a paradox that the unvaxxinated are the ones who are sympathetic to the vaxx injured.
No surprise, really. It requires that the (so far not injured) vaxxinated face the fact that they made the biggest mistake of their life. They would rather go to their grave than admit they were wrong.
Having made this mistake, and owning up to it, would be their last and only redemption.
Please know that forever in our home, from here on out, you will be known as Anne the Valiant. It has been declared, and a decree has been written across this little family's hearts. You are officially one of our time's most selfless and gifted artists -Anne the Valiant.
Also, in our home, Margaret Anna Alice @Margaret Anna Alice has earned the title of the world's most brilliant and generous "visionary heartist." Michael is always on the throne with MAA in this role.
Cody has "collected" a select group of "aunties" and "uncles" who choose to love Cody and the vaccine-injured community, and each of these beloved souls has been bestowed a title to recognize their greatness. Soon, we will write about their historical roles in standing up against depravity, abandonment of the ill and injured, and the heartless policies and politics that punctuate this tyrannical moment in time.
So, please know, in our view, that you, Valiant Anne, stand amongst greatness with the others we have known who have stood up for others in a way that is recorded not by "purchased" history and "noble" prize committees but that is instead, inscribed in history as only cherished memories, friendships, and solidarity can be, it is written in the timeless language of love for others -the purist and oldest "recording" ever known- and that never fades.
Your sincere gesture and profound talent have found a forever home, filling once-empty hollows in our hearts with the warmth of acceptance and charity seen in your work to help the vaccine injured and Cody's Law.
What a loving, brilliant act of kindness you have gifted to Cody and the vaccine-injured community!
I am not sure that anyone could have been more accurate in depicting the suffering and desperation of the state of affairs that many of the injured live through and experience daily.
The crowded life-raft and search and rescue helicopter truly expose the desperate abandonment of the vaccine injured- and deliver this vital S.O.S. message directly into the viewer's heart.
In six months, our family will have been crying "Save our souls" to both the state and federal governments for four years as we have rushed Cody to countless emergency rooms, waited endless hours outside of CT scans, and prayed on our knees that he would live through the night.
We are one of countless families who have been in this desperate situation, holding a vigil over our son. For all those who know this pain and need medical programs (like the ones needed to help Cody), for families like ours, and all of the injured and their families, your life raft, and your search and rescue helicopter, are the only "emergency vehicles" that have been deployed!
Of course, our unsinkable friend Margaret Anna Alice, a host of independent doctors and nurses, an army of humanitarians, and one Florida representative who filed Cody's Law on the "house side' have opened their hearts and stood up for the vaccine-injured.
Will our government representatives stand up? Will a Florida senator co-sponsor Cody's Law and allow it to be made into committee and have a chance to pass?
Our prayer and our plea is that these extraordinary efforts will find that one brave soul who hears our SOS and recognizes what you, Anne, so brilliantly depicted in your cartoon -that the vaccine injured are in a life raft, in need of a state and federal calvary that should have been there for them four years ago- and we hope they will hear and see the desperate need of the injured, NOW.
Godspeed to us all.
To witness such selflessness in your work and efforts, Anne is a joy and healing in this mother's heart. Thank you for your timely and timeless gift.
With love from your friends,
Heather, Gary, Jacob, and Cody (our little family)
Another spot on, incisive image from the perceptive artist Anne Gibbons!
Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!
And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections/pills were/are a huge part of their arsenal! Mistakes were not made!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Gates, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
The video is powerful, no doubt. But the music is distracting and takes away from the raw power of the reading of powerful words by a vax injured. I hate it when a good video is wrecked by poor editing choices. I keep hearing the overly loud violins and can only think that a mood is being forced on me arbitrarily, as opposed to letting me hear the words and watch for the emotions of the perfectly chosen reader, and let just that experience bring the full meaning of this poem and person sink deep into my heart and soul. It also implicitly states that the viewer cannot absorb the power of this poem, reader, and reading unless guided by overdramatic music. I hate the way the music is used in this video. I hate the manipulation in something that needs NO manipulation. The poem and reader and reading are raw enough. Let it be raw.
Thanks for your comment, Augusto. I usually find the music that accompanies videos distracting, and I wish I could listen without it. Sometimes, it strikes me as wildly inappropriate as well as distracting. In this case, I thought it worked beautifully, and I was relieved that it didn’t annoy me, quite the opposite, so I’m surprised by your take on it, but I understand your take on it.
Ugs.. i'm sorry. I didn't expect the attention. I was sincere, but on your reply i suppose i sense the music too much over the video? Results may differ for different individuals?? On your word i can see how it can work beautifully for you and many others. Apologies for imposing my reaction. It also occurred to me that it may be original music, a piece someone put their heart and soul into to accompany the poem and reader, and there i was poopooing it all.
I wish i was more measured in my words and hopefully did not take away from the real issue- May all receive the full power of the video and the message that we need to bring help to the vaccine injured.
Thank you, Augusto. I am to blame for the music choice and volume. When I weave words, imagery, and music together, I consider the music an equal participant in creating the ineffable gestalt that occurs when multiple pieces of art converge harmoniously. I strive to find balance between the music and voice and perhaps fail in some instances, but it is such a delicate balance because I find that when I reduce the volume even just a teeny bit over my final choice, it often loses emotional resonance that I feel powerfully conveys the depth of meaning in my words and the reader's delivery.
This video is scored with "The Tension of Purpose," the last composition my late beloved husband exported before his sudden death on July 21, 2024:
As I share in the post of Cody's video (, my husband was *just* about to start composing an original score to perfectly accompany Cody's reading but died before he had an opportunity to do so. He would likely not have approved of my using this piece because he had his heart set on composing something special for Cody, but it was the most suitable out of all the choices I had available, and when I watched them together, I felt they melded into a beautifully poignant work of art I can only hope he would be proud of.
No reason to apologize, Augusto! You were just stating your opinion, and I was struck by it because it’s usually exactly how I feel about music with videos. I think it’s very much a personal thing, like intensely disliking a movie and finding out the people you saw it with loved it. You may be able to understand their take on it, and vice versa, but that doesn’t change your initial reaction, which just simply is what it is.
I am wondering if you have been made aware of Cl02, chlorine dioxide … methylene blue; Two potential protocols which affect the health of cells, affect the oxygen carrying blood, affect properties to potentially help!!!
summarized here (just in case); mechanisms of two significant oxidants in scientific and medical applications: Methylene Blue (MB) and Chlorine Dioxide (ClO₂). While both substances exhibit oxidizing properties, their mechanisms of action, effects on radical formation, and implications for toxicity differ markedly. This comparative analysis aims to elucidate these differences through a detailed examination of their chemical characteristics, redox processes, and applications.
Methylene Blue (C₁₆H₁₈ClN₃S) is a compound from the phenothiazine group, recognized for its redox properties. Commonly employed in laboratory tests to identify malaria trophozoites within red blood cells, MB also serves as a redox indicator and is utilized in treating methemoglobinemia. In contrast, Chlorine Dioxide (ClO₂), a yellow-green gas soluble in water, is predominantly used for water disinfection due to its efficacy against bacteria, viruses, and certain parasites.
* Impact on DNA Methylation: Some research suggests that high doses of methylene blue may affect DNA methylation, a crucial process in gene regulation. Alterations in DNA methylation could potentially induce epigenetic changes with long-lasting effects on cellular function, though this area has yet to be thoroughly investigated.
* Mitochondrial Metabolism: Methylene blue has also been examined for its role in mitochondrial metabolism. It has been demonstrated to act as an electron acceptor within mitochondria, helping to alleviate oxidative stress. However, high doses can lead to adverse effects that disrupt normal mitochondrial function, resulting in an excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and possibly causing cellular damage.
* Chlorine Dioxide:
Its lower ORP suggests a reduced likelihood of causing cellular damage compared to stronger oxidants like hydroxyl radicals.
Comparative Analysis of Redox Potentials
The redox potentials highlight the differences in oxidative capabilities between these two substances:
* Hydroxyl radicals possess an exceptionally high ORP (~2800 mV), making them extremely strong oxidants capable of reacting with nearly all organic molecules.
* ClO₂’s ORP (~940 mV) indicates it cannot oxidize cells solely based on its redox potential.
* The interaction between ClO₂ and hydroxyl radicals presents a unique perspective; ClO₂ can potentially act as an antioxidant in the presence of these strong oxidants by facilitating their reduction to water (H₂O), thereby mitigating their damaging effects.
It is such a beautiful poem and reading Margaret, thank you.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, i'll post this again here:
Lament for Torn Out Pages
The crowned virus was never our king and still half the world knelt before it. It was never dangerous and still half the world feared and fled it. It held no power over us and still half the world tore out full chapters of their future, and cast those pages as an offering before it.
The danger of the crowned virus was never more than an invisible notion: no more threatening than climate change or middle eastern terrorism. But just like these forbearers because it went unseen it was everywhere: in every corner, on every surface, in every breath; and it was also nowhere. It was simultaneously disease and death and neither. It was capable of anything and nothing, depending on your point of view.
Like terrorism and climate change, it was a virus of the mind.
And so the future for all was splintered and shattered on the rocks of destiny over a lowly notion of danger, and all of those cast out pages, once brimming with promise and potential, are instead teaming with dread, conformity, gullibility & cowardice masquerading as virtue, and irreparable arrested development.
The deformities now written on these sacred pages cannot be unwritten, and this mournful consequence shall ripple down the corridors of time, permanently altering the future, as if this mind virus were forever spreading within the family tree of mankind.
If we fail to learn from this experience then our failure will be total as nothing good will have come from it. However, if we seize this experience as the lesson we need in order to ensure that we will never again allow this madness to occur, then maybe, just maybe, with so much at stake, we will have gained more than we’ve lost, or at least will have broken even.
As we stand amid the mass destruction propagated by the mere idea of an unseen danger, we hold our delicate future in our hands. Where will we go from here, and what will we take with us?
Excerpt from:
THANK YOU so much, dearest Anne, for the gift of your art to help us with our mission to find ONE brave Florida senator to sponsor Cody's Law for the vaxx-injured before February 28!
Readers, please see Heather's post with a short list of senators to target with grassroots demands to sponsor Cody's Law:
Her X post has the latest emails for senators:
See also Cody's reading of "Lament of the Vaxx-Injured" and include in your advocacy so we know these politicians have been given an opportunity to see, hear, feel, and help the vaxx-injured:
wonderful art as usual! thank you so much, so many of CAN'T STAND IT either--we are with you all the way! Would you join us in the stop the shots community on twitter? we are having nightly discussions with doctors, nurses, vax injured and activists.
Thank you, Michael! Great to hear about the stop the shots community on twitter and I look forward to checking out the nightly discussions.
In the 1950s, my first child nearly died from the shots he received...and I thought I was being a good parent. I had no idea of the ingredients in these injections...hazardous aluminum, mercury, and many other items that did not belong in the human body. A sick child got me into the search for answers starting in 1961, when I discovered that his doctor's advice was responsible for his bad health. Vaccine manufacturer's claimed that "vaccines" caused a great immune response, which showed they worked.. They sure worked and created a major response the immune system... to get poisonous matter out of the bloodstream. The only thing that belongs in the bloodstream are nutrients from natural unprocessed, pesticide-free food. Nutrients feed the cells, the organ and the brain...They are responsible for good health.. 2500 years ago, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine said, "Let Food be Your Medicine; and Medicine be Your Food." Anything other than nutrients from wholesome food... don't belong in the bloodstream. When 95% of illness is caused by putting the wrong food or substance in the mouth ...and nutrition is not a required subject to be taught in med school! I had to learn the hard way, as I did not know this as a young mother.
sending light ahead and holding in the loving that the right person steps forward. i know beyond knowing that we have everything within us to handle that which is before us and life is for us for we are this living loving love.
For more immediate use I'd like to refer you to Dr. Margaret Aranda's substack. She's compiling information you can use until mainstream medicine decides to start helping people.
Here are some links:
The majority of people got vaccinated so you shouldn't have any problem finding support
On the contrary, A Citizen, the injected refuse to acknowledge the injured because they are still entrenched in the propaganda. It is too frightening to contemplate what they did to themselves, so they choose denial and either ignore the vaxx-injured or attack them as spreading deadly "misinformation."
The vaxxers mercilessly attacked those of us who didn’t get vaccinated. They didn’t care about us at all and cheered on the government hammering us with restrictions. Unfortunately some of the vaccine injured also participated in the above.
As I stated in replies to people who made similar comments on Twitter, they are not the same. Cody is an autistic young adult who was emotionally manipulated against his parents' wishes into getting injected. He was deceived by a double doctorate family member he trusted into thinking it would protect those he loves, specifically his mother because she has health issues that put her at risk.
You are referring to the COVID kapos and amnesty-demanders:
Lumping all the injected together with one dehumanizing brushstroke is what the philanthropaths want.
He is the exception to the rule. I personally warned hundreds of friends and acquaintances and got nothing for my trouble except abuse. Everyone was emotionally manipulated in 2020 and especially 2021. The level of smugness exhibited by the vaxxers was disgusting. There are still people in 2025 being denied medical care for refusing to get the covid19 shots.
Believe me, I empathize as I have been writing about the Covidians since the beginning of this psyop:
I didn’t get vaccinated because after spending less than five minutes looking at government data in 2020 I couldn’t find any evidence of a “pandemic”.
If the government is going to lie to me on that scale do you think I’m going to trust them on ANYTHING?
The number of red flags around the “vaccines” were so numerous that I can’t believe anyone with two functioning brain cells got the shots.
I don't think you can paint people who got vaccinated with one brush. Many did so because they saw no alternative and/or assumed it was the right to do. I have friends who ridiculed me, others who didn't understand but didn't care, still others who didn't want to get the shot but felt they had to.
There are always exceptions. The only people getting ridiculed in 2020 and 2021 were people questioning the lockdown or the shots. People behaved extremely badly towards those of us who didn’t get the shots or go along but seem to have amnesia about it now.
Thank you.
Try chlorine dioxide
I believe chlorine dioxide is the greatest medical breakthrough perhaps in history:
It is a paradox that the unvaxxinated are the ones who are sympathetic to the vaxx injured.
No surprise, really. It requires that the (so far not injured) vaxxinated face the fact that they made the biggest mistake of their life. They would rather go to their grave than admit they were wrong.
Having made this mistake, and owning up to it, would be their last and only redemption.
Emails sent yesterday Anne. 💪💪💪
Will be in touch via email soon re. the prints.
Dear Anne,
Please know that forever in our home, from here on out, you will be known as Anne the Valiant. It has been declared, and a decree has been written across this little family's hearts. You are officially one of our time's most selfless and gifted artists -Anne the Valiant.
Also, in our home, Margaret Anna Alice @Margaret Anna Alice has earned the title of the world's most brilliant and generous "visionary heartist." Michael is always on the throne with MAA in this role.
Cody has "collected" a select group of "aunties" and "uncles" who choose to love Cody and the vaccine-injured community, and each of these beloved souls has been bestowed a title to recognize their greatness. Soon, we will write about their historical roles in standing up against depravity, abandonment of the ill and injured, and the heartless policies and politics that punctuate this tyrannical moment in time.
So, please know, in our view, that you, Valiant Anne, stand amongst greatness with the others we have known who have stood up for others in a way that is recorded not by "purchased" history and "noble" prize committees but that is instead, inscribed in history as only cherished memories, friendships, and solidarity can be, it is written in the timeless language of love for others -the purist and oldest "recording" ever known- and that never fades.
Your sincere gesture and profound talent have found a forever home, filling once-empty hollows in our hearts with the warmth of acceptance and charity seen in your work to help the vaccine injured and Cody's Law.
What a loving, brilliant act of kindness you have gifted to Cody and the vaccine-injured community!
I am not sure that anyone could have been more accurate in depicting the suffering and desperation of the state of affairs that many of the injured live through and experience daily.
The crowded life-raft and search and rescue helicopter truly expose the desperate abandonment of the vaccine injured- and deliver this vital S.O.S. message directly into the viewer's heart.
In six months, our family will have been crying "Save our souls" to both the state and federal governments for four years as we have rushed Cody to countless emergency rooms, waited endless hours outside of CT scans, and prayed on our knees that he would live through the night.
We are one of countless families who have been in this desperate situation, holding a vigil over our son. For all those who know this pain and need medical programs (like the ones needed to help Cody), for families like ours, and all of the injured and their families, your life raft, and your search and rescue helicopter, are the only "emergency vehicles" that have been deployed!
Of course, our unsinkable friend Margaret Anna Alice, a host of independent doctors and nurses, an army of humanitarians, and one Florida representative who filed Cody's Law on the "house side' have opened their hearts and stood up for the vaccine-injured.
Will our government representatives stand up? Will a Florida senator co-sponsor Cody's Law and allow it to be made into committee and have a chance to pass?
Our prayer and our plea is that these extraordinary efforts will find that one brave soul who hears our SOS and recognizes what you, Anne, so brilliantly depicted in your cartoon -that the vaccine injured are in a life raft, in need of a state and federal calvary that should have been there for them four years ago- and we hope they will hear and see the desperate need of the injured, NOW.
Godspeed to us all.
To witness such selflessness in your work and efforts, Anne is a joy and healing in this mother's heart. Thank you for your timely and timeless gift.
With love from your friends,
Heather, Gary, Jacob, and Cody (our little family)
Awwww that’s all so beautiful.
Anne the Valiant has a lovely ring to it💕
Another spot on, incisive image from the perceptive artist Anne Gibbons!
Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!
And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections/pills were/are a huge part of their arsenal! Mistakes were not made!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
This horrifying Gates, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do.
The video is powerful, no doubt. But the music is distracting and takes away from the raw power of the reading of powerful words by a vax injured. I hate it when a good video is wrecked by poor editing choices. I keep hearing the overly loud violins and can only think that a mood is being forced on me arbitrarily, as opposed to letting me hear the words and watch for the emotions of the perfectly chosen reader, and let just that experience bring the full meaning of this poem and person sink deep into my heart and soul. It also implicitly states that the viewer cannot absorb the power of this poem, reader, and reading unless guided by overdramatic music. I hate the way the music is used in this video. I hate the manipulation in something that needs NO manipulation. The poem and reader and reading are raw enough. Let it be raw.
Thanks for your comment, Augusto. I usually find the music that accompanies videos distracting, and I wish I could listen without it. Sometimes, it strikes me as wildly inappropriate as well as distracting. In this case, I thought it worked beautifully, and I was relieved that it didn’t annoy me, quite the opposite, so I’m surprised by your take on it, but I understand your take on it.
Ugs.. i'm sorry. I didn't expect the attention. I was sincere, but on your reply i suppose i sense the music too much over the video? Results may differ for different individuals?? On your word i can see how it can work beautifully for you and many others. Apologies for imposing my reaction. It also occurred to me that it may be original music, a piece someone put their heart and soul into to accompany the poem and reader, and there i was poopooing it all.
I wish i was more measured in my words and hopefully did not take away from the real issue- May all receive the full power of the video and the message that we need to bring help to the vaccine injured.
Thank you, Augusto. I am to blame for the music choice and volume. When I weave words, imagery, and music together, I consider the music an equal participant in creating the ineffable gestalt that occurs when multiple pieces of art converge harmoniously. I strive to find balance between the music and voice and perhaps fail in some instances, but it is such a delicate balance because I find that when I reduce the volume even just a teeny bit over my final choice, it often loses emotional resonance that I feel powerfully conveys the depth of meaning in my words and the reader's delivery.
This video is scored with "The Tension of Purpose," the last composition my late beloved husband exported before his sudden death on July 21, 2024:
As I share in the post of Cody's video (, my husband was *just* about to start composing an original score to perfectly accompany Cody's reading but died before he had an opportunity to do so. He would likely not have approved of my using this piece because he had his heart set on composing something special for Cody, but it was the most suitable out of all the choices I had available, and when I watched them together, I felt they melded into a beautifully poignant work of art I can only hope he would be proud of.
No reason to apologize, Augusto! You were just stating your opinion, and I was struck by it because it’s usually exactly how I feel about music with videos. I think it’s very much a personal thing, like intensely disliking a movie and finding out the people you saw it with loved it. You may be able to understand their take on it, and vice versa, but that doesn’t change your initial reaction, which just simply is what it is.
I am wondering if you have been made aware of Cl02, chlorine dioxide … methylene blue; Two potential protocols which affect the health of cells, affect the oxygen carrying blood, affect properties to potentially help!!!
summarized here (just in case); mechanisms of two significant oxidants in scientific and medical applications: Methylene Blue (MB) and Chlorine Dioxide (ClO₂). While both substances exhibit oxidizing properties, their mechanisms of action, effects on radical formation, and implications for toxicity differ markedly. This comparative analysis aims to elucidate these differences through a detailed examination of their chemical characteristics, redox processes, and applications.
Methylene Blue (C₁₆H₁₈ClN₃S) is a compound from the phenothiazine group, recognized for its redox properties. Commonly employed in laboratory tests to identify malaria trophozoites within red blood cells, MB also serves as a redox indicator and is utilized in treating methemoglobinemia. In contrast, Chlorine Dioxide (ClO₂), a yellow-green gas soluble in water, is predominantly used for water disinfection due to its efficacy against bacteria, viruses, and certain parasites.
* Impact on DNA Methylation: Some research suggests that high doses of methylene blue may affect DNA methylation, a crucial process in gene regulation. Alterations in DNA methylation could potentially induce epigenetic changes with long-lasting effects on cellular function, though this area has yet to be thoroughly investigated.
* Mitochondrial Metabolism: Methylene blue has also been examined for its role in mitochondrial metabolism. It has been demonstrated to act as an electron acceptor within mitochondria, helping to alleviate oxidative stress. However, high doses can lead to adverse effects that disrupt normal mitochondrial function, resulting in an excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and possibly causing cellular damage.
* Chlorine Dioxide:
Its lower ORP suggests a reduced likelihood of causing cellular damage compared to stronger oxidants like hydroxyl radicals.
Comparative Analysis of Redox Potentials
The redox potentials highlight the differences in oxidative capabilities between these two substances:
* Hydroxyl radicals possess an exceptionally high ORP (~2800 mV), making them extremely strong oxidants capable of reacting with nearly all organic molecules.
* ClO₂’s ORP (~940 mV) indicates it cannot oxidize cells solely based on its redox potential.
* The interaction between ClO₂ and hydroxyl radicals presents a unique perspective; ClO₂ can potentially act as an antioxidant in the presence of these strong oxidants by facilitating their reduction to water (H₂O), thereby mitigating their damaging effects.
Thank you, Anne 🙏❤️