When Margaret Anna Alice posted Lament of the Vaxx-Injured last week, I started to watch Cody Hudson read Margaret Anna’s poem but found it so haunting, I had to revisit it with time to absorb the words and to take in what life must be like for Cody and thousands of other US citizens who were harmed by the COVID shot or emergency medical protocols in hospitals.
I urge you to watch Cody’s gut-wrenching reading of Margaret Anna’s powerful poem and to read the latest post at A Mother’s Anthem by Heather Hudson, Cody’s mom. If you are touched as I was, I hope you will take a few minutes to contact the Florida state senators listed in Heather’s post so that Cody and countless others get the medical care and support they deserve. Thank you!
Dear Anne,
Please know that forever in our home, from here on out, you will be known as Anne the Valiant. It has been declared, and a decree has been written across this little family's hearts. You are officially one of our time's most selfless and gifted artists -Anne the Valiant.
Also, in our home, Margaret Anna Alice @Margaret Anna Alice has earned the title of the world's most brilliant and generous "visionary heartist." Michael is always on the throne with MAA in this role.
Cody has "collected" a select group of "aunties" and "uncles" who choose to love Cody and the vaccine-injured community, and each of these beloved souls has been bestowed a title to recognize their greatness. Soon, we will write about their historical roles in standing up against depravity, abandonment of the ill and injured, and the heartless policies and politics that punctuate this tyrannical moment in time.
So, please know, in our view, that you, Valiant Anne, stand amongst greatness with the others we have known who have stood up for others in a way that is recorded not by "purchased" history and "noble" prize committees but that is instead, inscribed in history as only cherished memories, friendships, and solidarity can be, it is written in the timeless language of love for others -the purist and oldest "recording" ever known- and that never fades.
Your sincere gesture and profound talent have found a forever home, filling once-empty hollows in our hearts with the warmth of acceptance and charity seen in your work to help the vaccine injured and Cody's Law.
What a loving, brilliant act of kindness you have gifted to Cody and the vaccine-injured community!
I am not sure that anyone could have been more accurate in depicting the suffering and desperation of the state of affairs that many of the injured live through and experience daily.
The crowded life-raft and search and rescue helicopter truly expose the desperate abandonment of the vaccine injured- and deliver this vital S.O.S. message directly into the viewer's heart.
In six months, our family will have been crying "Save our souls" to both the state and federal governments for four years as we have rushed Cody to countless emergency rooms, waited endless hours outside of CT scans, and prayed on our knees that he would live through the night.
We are one of countless families who have been in this desperate situation, holding a vigil over our son. For all those who know this pain and need medical programs (like the ones needed to help Cody), for families like ours, and all of the injured and their families, your life raft, and your search and rescue helicopter, are the only "emergency vehicles" that have been deployed!
Of course, our unsinkable friend Margaret Anna Alice, a host of independent doctors and nurses, an army of humanitarians, and one Florida representative who filed Cody's Law on the "house side' have opened their hearts and stood up for the vaccine-injured.
Will our government representatives stand up? Will a Florida senator co-sponsor Cody's Law and allow it to be made into committee and have a chance to pass?
Our prayer and our plea is that these extraordinary efforts will find that one brave soul who hears our SOS and recognizes what you, Anne, so brilliantly depicted in your cartoon -that the vaccine injured are in a life raft, in need of a state and federal calvary that should have been there for them four years ago- and we hope they will hear and see the desperate need of the injured, NOW.
Godspeed to us all.
To witness such selflessness in your work and efforts, Anne is a joy and healing in this mother's heart. Thank you for your timely and timeless gift.
With love from your friends,
Heather, Gary, Jacob, and Cody (our little family)
THANK YOU so much, dearest Anne, for the gift of your art to help us with our mission to find ONE brave Florida senator to sponsor Cody's Law for the vaxx-injured before February 28!
Readers, please see Heather's post with a short list of senators to target with grassroots demands to sponsor Cody's Law:
• https://amothersanthem.substack.com/p/moms-post-goes-viral-when-reacting-to-executive-order-defunding-schools-that-mandate-vax
Her X post has the latest emails for senators:
• https://x.com/Amothersanthem/status/1893020126422679800
See also Cody's reading of "Lament of the Vaxx-Injured" and include in your advocacy so we know these politicians have been given an opportunity to see, hear, feel, and help the vaxx-injured:
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/lament-of-the-vaxx-injured-video
• https://x.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/status/1890035414058344924