Will Kids Be Thrown to Big Pharma Wolves?
Worst Children's Health Bill Ever in New York State
Please spread the word about this dreadful bill, whether you live in New York or not.
John Gilmore of the Autism Action Network has made it very easy for New Yorkers to contact elected officials in Albany and let our voices be heard:
For anyone in the Greater NYC area:
Rally to Protect Our Kids, 2/22/24
The Worst Children’s Health Bill Ever
New York Democrats Pushing LEGAL Medical Kidnapping of Children
Assembly Bill A6761 and Senate Bill S8352
Assemblymember Karines Reyes (D-Bronx) and Senator Rachel May (D-Syracuse) authored A6761/S8352, a bill to allow ANY medical procedure, including drugs, hospitalization, and surgery, to be done to ANY child of ANY age without parental knowledge or consent!
Office of Assemblymember Karines Reyes
February 22, 2024, 11 am
1973 Westchester Avenue
Bronx, NY 10462
(718) 931-2620
6 Train to Parkchester Station
Bring friends and signs!
EVIL just pure evil !!!
What kind of people even come up with bills like this?
Evil one’s !!!
As always your cartoon say it all and this one makes me want to say words that shouldn’t be said in polite company. 🤬
End your governor