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Mar 27
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I am so sorry to hear what you and your husband suffered through, SumPissdChck, and that your mother died alone in a nursing home, as did so many. Apologies for the delay in responding to your post.

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Mar 1, 2024
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Hi Ean,

Did CHDTV do something on this book, or are you posting this to let people know about them? Thanks either way.

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Exactly right

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Thank you, ejimagine!

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Stories yet to be told? Tell them!

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Hopefully more and more people who suffered through being in a hospital as staff member or patient will do exactly that!

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I can tell you since I was in the hospital from November of 2021 to February of 2022 that there were still restrictions on visitation going on, even in the state of Georgia where I don't think the protocols were strictly adhered to. You could have one visitor a day...and in early January, when a huge Covid wave supposedly came again, there were no visitors allowed for two weeks.

Any visitor you did get...even non Covid like me, visitors had to wear a mask. I had some nurses that tended to me that wore both masks and face shields...Guess how easy it was to talk with them about anything.

Patients were not required to wear masks, but all staff was. But here's the weird thing. I saw staff outside my room not wearing masks sporadically. Were rooms ventilated in such a way as to prevent transmission? I mean if the disease was airborne. Would there not be less arbitrary and capricioous restrictions.

I also had to wear a mask on leaving the room. I would have been far more mobile if this had not been the protocol. But there was the tradeoff. I could go out into the hallway if I would adhere to the mask protocol.

And at least half the nurses I interacted with were floating nurses. They stayed at motels, but they were moving (my. guess) where the seasonal cases brought them.

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It's sobering to hear this, Jimmy. Thanks so much for posting. I wonder if hospitals are getting paid to keep pushing masks. In the book, they documented how schools were given big bucks provided they followed the protocol.

The protocols are absurd at best, but so ominous, too. Why still so many restrictions on having visitors? Will they try to pull the same horrific scam again? Seems like that's the case, as they're already doing gain of function research with China and other countries. It's beyond words how egregious and fascistic this is!!!

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I don't know. I don't think there is an easy answer to this. Maybe they worry about issues of liability? I know the "Long Covid/Davos/Covidisnotover" contigent on twitter are all pushing for masking in health care.

Sorry, but no. I

f people are truly vulnerable, they should sit in their cars...or should come with a moon suit, not demand all others accommodate them. One tweet even stated that they reason we should all mask is because it makes others uncomfortable to mask alone. I know the feeling. I sat outside Krogers in July of 2020 watching to see if anyone came out of the Krogers not wearing a mask. Finally I said "screw it" and walked in.

I felt proud of myself for doing so...not self conscious.

As far as hospital protocols, This was in 2021-2022.

I can tell you, I also spent a brief stint in the hospital in the summer of 2023. And there was no more "you must wear a mask in the hall." And that all masking was volunteer at this point. But they still did limit the number of visitors to 2 per day. Some nurses would wear masks, but most did not.

It is fascist. I still can't believe we followed China on what to do in all this.

Thanks for your cartoons!

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I started unmasking to give others courage. Once I got fed up with gasping for air in a convenience store so I ripped the face rag off. A couple people around me glanced in my direction and ripped theirs off too.

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Weird. Do the nurses realize that the same system is killing them? A lot of this violates basic common sense and self-preservation as well as the Golden Rule. They know the medical system is killing people yet trust it implicitly.

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There's so much to wake up to! My guess is most people want to hold on to what they've got, whether that's material, emotional, financial, intellectual. It's not easy to have a belief system unravel. It opens the door to everything falling apart.

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They were murdering patients in the hospital. Patients were denied food, water, nebulizer, anti-biotics for when the viral infection turned bacterial. They were not cleaned properly. They were given the kidney killing remdesivir "medication." Then they were forced too much oxygen making them more oxygen dependent than need be. Then vented with a poor chance of coming off the vent. They were given heavy narcotics amd other meds that suppressed their breathing when they were already struggling to breathe.

This was murder. Murder for money. Murderers do not want witnesses, hence no visitors allowed in the hospital.

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Yes, absolutely, Dee!

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Hospital murder stories being told at humanity betrayal project. Https://chbmp.org

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So great to know of this, Dee. Thank you!

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OMG! I just read one of the stories from Florida. A neighbor of mine told me that when she and her husband went to this group of hospitals mentioned in the case I read, the nurses told them that the hospital was experimenting on and killing people and that they, the nurses would rather die at home.

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I think a lot of people feel we would now rather die at home then be anywhere near a hospital when seriously sick with a chronic illness.

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It’s utterly chilling what was done. The more you learn, the worse it gets.

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I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on since 2020. It’s something that is truly unbelievable. It’s like we’re living in a sci-fi horror, but it is reality!

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Some people are enforcing agendas that harm & killed our loved ones? Gee, that's too bad. The Constitutions of all Western nations though make it Absolutely Clear that once politicians decide a thing, We The People have No Recourse Whatever to change it. We MUST follow their decisions as if they were Unquestionable Edicts from On High.

You absolutely Have To Wait for these people to voluntarily reject these http://allaregreen.us/ amounts of $ because, as pointed out, there Are No Laws giving the citizenry any ability to counter it when someone pays politicians. You have to beg, wait & when that doesn't work, you must Wait Harder. Because protecting your idealism that your surrogate-Daddies in office care for you is WAY more important to you than your own children's lives or well-being.


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I'll have to check out the book.

I remember during lockdowns there were a ton of articles about "moral injury" that is definitely a real thing that they misapplied.

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Hi Gabriel! Not sure what you mean about “moral injury” being misapplied. Can you give an example? Thank you!

On another note, you’ve been on my mind! I hope you’re doing well, and I hope to email you soon!

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Moral injury is the psychological stress when one has to ensure their principles being undermined.

In this case it would be healthcare workers being forced to watch those suffering needlessly, but the mainstream articles about the discussion were very disappointing. This one is pretty egregious: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/moral-injury-is-an-invisible-epidemic-that-affects-millions/

Looking forward to it! Things are busy but good! I hope all is well with you!

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Thanks, Gabriel, now I get it. That article is totally egregious! Looking back as all the BS they threw 24/7 enrages me. Messing with people's minds while destroying lives.

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I am sure the doctor suffered greatly but she also bought into the 💉💉lie. Her unit vaccinated over 100,000 people? I wonder if she now realizes they may have killed or greatly harmed a large amount of people?

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How about watching patients die from the Remdesivir and mechanical ventilators they continued to give them--knowing how they would respond--because they chose a paycheck over human lives. "I vus just following the orders mein Herr." Being convinced to go against your conscience can mess you up emotionally. That explains why so many medical professionals went full blown psycho. Guilt.

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Thanks for the suggested read.

I am sure it will be a page turner. Some of the stories may be great ideas for future cartoons.

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Thank you Anne and really appreciate your cartoons. I have a problem with so many people that complied, just for a paycheck. I believe the atrocities could have been nipped in the bud quickly, had everyone said oh hell no, right away!! This would be over

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The mass hysteria button to ‘save our lives’ had been well oiled by high command and ping… instant hysteria - run for the hills we’re too young to die bless you for trying to save us syndrome in full oppo is what happened - the cleverest and most wicked corrupt money making coercion of an entire world at the same time. We have been warned and still they queue up for clot shots and masks are being mandated ….💰

Will good win?

If you look at the follow up of proxy wars being waged across the globe and the continuing destruction by Blackrock and Vanguard financed projects of the Amazon rain forest on hectares per day basis I don’t think we can be saved - these evil cohorts have merely changed the method not the direction and let’s not forget the chemtrails and vast fires to add to this cauldron of global destruction thanks Gates Tedros Bezos Schwab Harari and all those amoral leaders of countries they and assorted acronyms pay so handsomely along your path of perversion, for going along with your heinous crimes and often relishing in their abilities to carry them out…. I doubt it….

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People are still in the dark--because they will always keep their eyes shut. I've given up on my willfully blind family. They're just going to die or be enslaved. Too mentally lazy. Waste of time trying to reason or explain anything to those brain dead, uncaring slugs. My parents will just boost and boost and get sicker and sicker until they die. Oh well. Stupid is a choice.

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I hear you, RE Nichols! I think there are lots of mentally lazy people out there. I especially appreciate the phrase, "brain dead, uncaring slugs." Perfect!

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I think it's that people who have no God to believe in, can be made to believe anything! I.e. as in the exparmintel Jab, "It's safe & effective." The all knowing all wise god like Big Pharma tells us so! (It's why they had to pay out over 5 Billion in fruad fines, [because, their more like Adam & Eve's Serpent.]

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It's more that they trust bad people. Or people who trust bad people. They don't know what I do about Big Pharma and how western medicine works. How corrupt the whole thing is because of cronyism. How most kindly doctors are unquestioning dupes for sociopaths at the top. How the AMA and FDA are owned by Big Pharma and help protect it while crushing out competition of every kind.

My family are Christian but complain I'm paranoid and unreasonable to distrust medical professionals. God gave us the ability to cure and prevent diseases after all.

I had to do my own research. I wish others would.

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Mr. Nichols. After iatrogenic “medicine" killed my Dad, Wife & best Friend, I did my own research & discovered, Turmeric, (It kept my brothers 1st. stage at stage 1 for 7 years Parkinson's (my Dad went from stage 1 to 5 in about 6 years, then mercifully killed by iatrogenic "medicine"! The evil pharma despised ivermectin dropped my Co V 19's 104 deg. temp. In 2 to 3 hours, I was good to go in 3 days! Now I discovered Joe Tippen's stage 4 cancer cure, using the much pharma hated Fenbendazole! I.e. something one should take intermittently, [if?] you don't like catching cancer! Pharma "science" says it's no good, so you know, it must be good! Just not for pharma's bottom line, though!

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Miss Nichols. But you have no way of knowing.

My body often aches. Partly from inflammation. I'm wondering what dose of turmeric (which I frequently use in my cooking) would help. I occasionally have resorted to NSAIDs but know they're bad despite short term relief. They nearly always upset my stomach.

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After about 7 shots my mom did die in January 😢

My sister who cared for her got the same including the flu & pneumonia - all on the same day last Nov!!

I tried for almost 2 yrs to educate her but she chose to believe in her lord & savior Deena Henshaw in Alberta rather.

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But don't forget, this short temporary life, is just a test, to see where you spend your eternity! In the Long run, choosing to believe in our lord & savior, outweighs one's health!

"For what profit a man, to gain perfect health and lose his soul."?

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I'm so sorry to hear this, Thinking Momma Bear. Very hard for those who trusted the narrative implicitly and followed the designated path to even consider the possibility that it was a sham.

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Those of us who just want to be left alone are now victims of the psychopaths who we allowed to become too rich and powerful

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

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There are thousands upon thousands of people all over the world trying to figure out how to turn things around. Not assuming it's a done deal and throwing in the towel, to me, is Step One.

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millions upon millions...

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Agreed! I was being conservative in my estimate.

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Its a banking agenda. Its really the age old battle between capital and labor, between capital and humanity.

It has shifted into overdrive and become obvious to many many more people. This is clear evidence that the perpetrators are going for broke. Why? Why now? Because they are losing!

"It all sounds very blackpilt, doesn't it? It all sounds absolutely hopeless. But one thing I would encourage people to take a lot of encouragement from so much of what they do and we're seeing that currently in Richard D halls case it's about controlling us. It's about controlling our in this case, access to information. So the question is why? Why do they spend so much time and effort and money Trying to control us? Or the point that the? The obvious answer and the clear answer is that because they are scared of us. They're frightened of us Because, in reality, we have all the power. They have none. Their entire Globalist structures are a facade. They're based upon our belief in their authority. So we allow them to tell us what to do. Now, the moment that we, in significant numbers, stop doing that and ignore them and no longer allow them to tell us what to do, it is over it. That's finished. They've lost because they cannot control 8 billion people. The only way they can do it is through trickery, propaganda, coercion and force. And if it comes down to force, if push, you know, so be it. And regrettably, and let's hope it never does. But if they've pushed does come to shove, they cannot defeat 7.8 billion people. They lose, they always lose. So their whole Game is a charade. And once we understand that they have no power, they have no authority, we have it all and then we can start."

-Iain Davis, from


The Moving Contradiction

it's not Malthus after all...


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In Satan's would, the scum floats to the top, & takes command! Then tells the Godless Sheeple how and what to think, and they obey! It's the Satan model! Thank God we all are not so blind, that we can see God's truth! As opposed to looking to Big Government & Pharma [playing god] as your truth!

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YES, I wholeheartedly agree, Jan. Thank you!

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Most nurses and doctors would flunk the Milgram Experiment. Or pass. The majority would follow the authority rather than ask questions. My guess is those who would not follow the authority would be more apt to become artists or inventors rather than medical professionals.

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Incredible piece Anne. I bought the book and watched these nurses when Steve Kirsch had them on his VSRF webinar along with Ken. I watched the entire 4 hours. It was gut wrenching. 😢

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Agreed, Laura, I saw that, too, and a few other interviews with the nurses and respiratory therapist. Gut-wrenching is the word.

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do not trust kirsch

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Another one 'RIGHT OUTA DA BALLPARK', you are good, now we need one on the jab and it's consequences.

There's a lot more subject matter out here for your talent. So if you run out let me know.

I will be sending 'WHAT THE NURSES SAW' out to all my contacts.


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I've done cartoons on the jab, but not recently. Maybe I'll do a Jab Retrospective. ;-)

I'm swimming in possible subject matter. What a bottomless pit!

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This happened to several people my family knew in my home town. All dead at the hands of this horrific protocol. We knew what our small hospitals were doing real time yet could do nothing to stop it. Crimes against humanity. Thank you for making it so abundantly clear, Anne.

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That's called MURDER!

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YES!!! That's just what the nurses and respiratory therapist interviewed in the book make patently clear.

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Do you remember when https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/ came on the scene?

That and some videos of Doctors at a prestigious hospital actually explained what was going on.

This was truly my wakeup call and I've been waking up every day since.

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I do remember them! That was a great day when did that press conference, in white coats. Once awake, there's no going back to sleep!

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I'm so sorry to hear about the deaths in your home town, Staci! They really had a stranglehold on us, from every direction. We have some breathing space now, but who knows when they'll try to do this again? Glad to make it clear so more people put two and two together. I wanted to scream as I read this book. One atrocity after another. Thank you for posting!

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Looks like a perfect truth book.

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Another perfect truth book is "Bill Goats and the Forest"


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The iatrogenic deaths.So many crimes.

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Sad and sick that the "governments" have created times in which we write and draw cartoons about the murder of our family members. And yet the truth must be told. Thank you Anne.

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Pictures are worth a 1,000 words.

We have all gone through this disastrous time, yet how many people do you know that you can't talk about this to.

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I'm hoping people who won't read a book or an article might get drawn in by a cartoon. So easy to read, and not just intellectual. Thank you, Bob!

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Since the clot shots my family quit reading books. Of course getting them to watch video clippings, read short articles, or glance at cartoons that challenge their narrative is like pulling teeth. If they do it they get irritated. All they do now is watch TV 15 or 16 hours a day. Usually stuff that doesn't require a lot of thought.

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Wow, that is scary and so sad, RE Nichols!

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Reminds me of the effects that psychiatric drugs have on people.

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I totally agree, Mpup. Sad, sick and criminal, and the truth must be told. It's the only way to dig out of this hell hole.

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I want to cry !

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Don't cry, GET MAD!

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Hi Anne.

Yet another spot-on vision.

Shared to close to 50 FB groups with the following message ...

"Between 'the first thing a writer needs to do to be famous is to die' and 'the pen is mightier than the sword', Anne exemplifies the latter. Maybe because unlike a lot of 'influencers', she is fighting for humanity, not money or fame."

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THANK YOU, Steve! I am honored that you shared the cartoon so widely and get where I’m coming from. It’s liberating not to care about money or fame!

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You are an inspiration Anne, both in style and content. I've been laying low on substack for a while, thinking of how to re-create my messaging. I am buried under a flood of words in substack, and cartoonishly oversimplified graphics in FB. You strike a very good balance of boiling down a lot of information into a visual package that requires a minimum cognitive load on the audience, yet nudges them to engage their own critical thinking skills. You are an artist, par excellence! More power to you Anne!

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Many thanks, Steve! I spend the lion’s share of my time paring down information from stacks of articles I’ve read and notes I’ve taken from various videos to get to something succinct. Nudging someone to engage their own critical thinking skills is what I aspire to do, and I appreciate your appreciation of that skill. ;-)

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Much appreciated Anne! I've just copied that e-mail address if you feel like you need to erase it for privacy concerns. Will dash off a quick message from an encrypted proton mail account.

I am a big fan of Whitney Webb, and she is anticipating a 'when', not 'if', the net gets shut down, and if we wish to re-engage with the 'improved' version (euphemism for 'centrally controlled'), we will have to navigate through A.I. and digital I.D.s.

As censored as things may be now, in the near future, we might be reminiscing about this time in history as a relatively free and open frontier.

The beginning of the end? The end of the beginning? Meh ... Begin the Beguine. 😂 Shall we dance?

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Thanks for the suggestion, Steve! I did delete my email. I'm on Proton, too. I'll keep an eye out for your email.

I just heard a Whitney Webb interview about them shutting the internet down and wondered what our Plan B is. Don't want to look back with regret that we didn't plan ahead.

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CB and Ham radios...look up PRAYING MEDIC (telegram, etc) he has a great video on OFF GRID COMMUNICATIONS

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And yet another 'Whoa!" ... and just when I needed it. I also admire and follow James Corbett.

At 29:11 of the interview, you can't imagine my astonishment at seeing and hearing you read a line from an otherwise obscure sub-comment. On the other hand, I think you CAN imagine, and we are all the richer for that.

I won't presume to take up more of your time here, but will send a longer message to your most recent post, wishing I could graphically boil it down the way you can.

Thanking you Anne ... with that longer message incoming, a subscription I can ill afford, and continual inspiration I can draw on. Pun intended. 😂

Cheers from Japan Anne.


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I can imagine it would come as a surprise, Steve! With 2020 hindsight, I realized I should have double-checked about quoting you, even though I wouldn't be using your name.

Cheers to you from NYC!

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I was completely honored and humbled! And though not religious, felt a bit of synchronicity hearing and seeing you read that snippet. I had been feeling a bit depressed, and that was a much needed on-line pick-me-up. Thank you again Anne. Was a bit busy at the local community center yesterday, so will send that longer letter a bit later.

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Whoa! One of those FB posts forwarding your message has garnered a lot of validation from one group in particular, SGA (Suddenly Gone Australia), now at 213 and rising, and generating a lot of comments. Come to think of it, I am a member of far more pro-active groups from Canada and Australia than America. Maybe because nation-wide, they got whacked harder?

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That's great to hear! Not sure why people in the US are on the whole asleep at the wheel, but I know in NYC we were whacked every which way from Sunday. Still, there are many people coming to there in New York State, and elsewhere around the country. Hopefully, the drip, drip, drip of truth will wake up millions.

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Hi Anne.

Just past the witching hour here and headed for bed. Yeah, NYC was ground zero for awhile, and still having a hard time. I can't be sure about the demographics of FB, but maybe the U.S. has more political diversity? Some states appear to exercising some leverage against the federal bandits. Or maybe the marketing / propaganda machine posing as journalism is more finely tuned?

Or maybe because the U.S. contains more of the trouble makers and their many flavored options? As another American over here once told me, "it" is like an octopus in the dark, and if we start winning on one front, such as the plandemic, it withdraws that leg into the darkness only to extend another leg ... the 'Russian invasion' of a de-facto militarized American puppet state, another genocide of those without any state, child grooming / trafficking and more pronouns than I can remember, global cooling turned warming — reducing micro-plastics turned reducing carbon footprints, the Wall Street / WEF protection racket, another tactical burn-back-better fire. It's a land of plenty.

With that, will hit the sack ... hoping a steady drip of cool jazz will keep those nightmare monsters under my bed for now.

Cheers Anne.

Love your work, and love observing positive reactions abroad to it.

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Thank you, Steve! I agree it's like an octopus with tentacles tailored to slither out and destroy any and all opposition. It's them or us, and the havoc they wreak makes my blood boil. Hope you have pleasant dreams of taming beasts!

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Just opened my eyes and headed for a cup of coffee. While reading some of the comments left over night, I saw some of the beasts within. A couple of comments were trashing the book as war profiteering ... without bothering to read it. I bought the Kindle version yesterday, but have not yet had time to read it myself. But labeling all nurses as profiteers makes no sense. Like public school teachers, one does not pursue the nursing profession to get rich. Didn't need a shot of java to figure that one out.

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