The celebration we really need is the one where we finally put the global “health” cabal genie back in its bottle, not so much for the comparative bread-and-circuses we’re about to be party to. After all is it really Independence Day if you’ve only swapped Britain for pfizer and the w.h.o.?
Today in Washington DC, it’s “ let them drink Coke!” . DC water issued a boil water advisory . also today, the weather service issued three alerts, including air quality orange and heat advisory. It’s time to fight tyranny again.
The dc drivel is mind-numbing. The difficulty navigating to actual content from the sector discourages even the occasional scan, let alone the feeling of wasted time by the third or fourth word read or heard.
I'm currently reading USA: The Ruthless Empire and I hate to say, but the monster that is the US started long before 1913. Probably before 1776. Paul levy says it's a result of wetiko, the disease of greed. If only there were a vaccine that could cure that!
Here it is in a nut shell: The United States was a constitutional republic before the POTUS signed the charter of the First Bank of America in 1791. When T. Jefferson refused to sign the new charter in 1811 the US experienced a war as a concequence of Jeffferson's decicion. The US was a Consttutional republic once more. but for how long?
When Lincoln issued the first Greenback, the Constitutional Republic was restored for a few years until they killed him. The final nail in the cofffin was W. Wilson's signature on the Federal Reserve Act on 12/24/1913.
It was whatever it claimed it was only for some people, not for all.
The Bill of Rights had to be fought for, every bit of it.
The original constitution was writ by brit barristers , it is a document about ruling. It was their claim on the money, they're first "banking" operation. The first real matter of "the constitution" , if you read it, is to collect taxes, First, they name themselves the rulers, then they collect. Simple.
So, ancient yellowed documents as "heros" , when all heros fail, don't work either. We have to learn to respect one another as much as we "respect" that piece of paper with words on it. More, actually, we make those papers and words, they don't make us.
GEnerally known as Native North Americans, a genocided People. Known to have the most numbers of and most unrelated languages, even within what we now consider short distances in geography.
But if you were raised on those ;public schools geography books which give two sentences to the residents of the land..."they were here, and then they disappeared"...well, that's what you want to know.
This land was stolen through genocide. Only three hundred years ago was that completed.
Short memories make for short lived cultures. What's the pay back for genocide? Where's the deed from your "god" that told you it was yours to take? You were raised by colonizing conquerors. Banksters. Non humans. What do you expect them to teach you?
Don't matter where you are born. If you see the earth and all within it as something to be bought and sold and owned, then you've turned yourself and your life into a commodity.
Experience that. We didn't get in your way. We said no, we won't be your slaves, we'd rather die. Still holds. So does the fire in the Onondaga Lodge.
We're quickly approaching that time when you won't have anything left to breathe or eat but your money. Enjoy it.
Oh good grief...I'm not dismissing what our govt has done to the ppl we call native americans. I'm saying that there is much evidence that other ppl and cultures were here before them. Get off your soap box, honey.
Yes, who knows with certainty? This may just be a troll responding to me here. A computer algorithm. Maybe not even human, maybe from the Euro censoring law. Maybe it's a stock response the machine gives for five hundred years now to the same question. Who knows with certaintly?
Not you, for sure!! I've just entirely disempowered you. Cool,huh?
If a child is born in an airplane, what "country/land" does it belong to? Is it a natural citizen of "space", or of the airline company that owns the plane? What?
Thank you so much, Warrior Mom! I see the results, Labour in. What does it mean that they're socialist? Isn't the world basically capitalist, i.e., race to the bottom, profit-driven, pitting people against one another, driving down wages? I wonder if it's like in the US, i.e., whoever is in power and screws up royally gets booted out, but essentially we get screwed by both parties.
I honestly don't know what it is about Labour that's more socialist. just repeating what I was told by an 'awake' friend in the UK. I will ask him to describe what that means in practical terms. ;) Seems to me that is all 'rich get richer' no matter what they may claim as a philosophy of governance
gee sounds like there's a lot of that going around... here in the US, the Democrats are now pro big biz and pro war. Biden stopped a railroad workers strike who's main beef was safety issues. citizens who lost everything in the Maui fire got a one-time check for $700. just heard today about a water cut-off to farmers in Idaho because of a 'shortage' but... wait for it... scheduled start up of cobalt mining near (under?) their land...
Perfect 🙃
The celebration we really need is the one where we finally put the global “health” cabal genie back in its bottle, not so much for the comparative bread-and-circuses we’re about to be party to. After all is it really Independence Day if you’ve only swapped Britain for pfizer and the w.h.o.?
Today in Washington DC, it’s “ let them drink Coke!” . DC water issued a boil water advisory . also today, the weather service issued three alerts, including air quality orange and heat advisory. It’s time to fight tyranny again.
Weird - we've had a few of those contaminated drinking water warnings in England too, unusually...
Anyone have the sense to turn some of those Mordor Towers into Roman CAndles on the fourth?
The dc drivel is mind-numbing. The difficulty navigating to actual content from the sector discourages even the occasional scan, let alone the feeling of wasted time by the third or fourth word read or heard.
Excellent! We need to win our Independence back again.
Dismantle the three letter agencies.
Starting with the U.S.A.
The hijacked airplane that is the Constitutional Republic of the United States needs to be taken back by its rightful owners.
The hijacking started o 12/24/1913, and was complete on 11/22/1963. The day Aldous Huxley died. ;-)
I'm currently reading USA: The Ruthless Empire and I hate to say, but the monster that is the US started long before 1913. Probably before 1776. Paul levy says it's a result of wetiko, the disease of greed. If only there were a vaccine that could cure that!
It all depends on how far back you want to turn the clock/calendar, but yes.
Here it is in a nut shell: The United States was a constitutional republic before the POTUS signed the charter of the First Bank of America in 1791. When T. Jefferson refused to sign the new charter in 1811 the US experienced a war as a concequence of Jeffferson's decicion. The US was a Consttutional republic once more. but for how long?
When Lincoln issued the first Greenback, the Constitutional Republic was restored for a few years until they killed him. The final nail in the cofffin was W. Wilson's signature on the Federal Reserve Act on 12/24/1913.
It was whatever it claimed it was only for some people, not for all.
The Bill of Rights had to be fought for, every bit of it.
The original constitution was writ by brit barristers , it is a document about ruling. It was their claim on the money, they're first "banking" operation. The first real matter of "the constitution" , if you read it, is to collect taxes, First, they name themselves the rulers, then they collect. Simple.
So, ancient yellowed documents as "heros" , when all heros fail, don't work either. We have to learn to respect one another as much as we "respect" that piece of paper with words on it. More, actually, we make those papers and words, they don't make us.
Not us real people. Maybe them.
Seven Deadly Sins
Three Poisons
Water is the Universal Dissolver
Thank you to all who have commented so thoughtfully to this post. A lot of well-educated people sharing information!
Think of everything you buy. That's your dependence.
Thank you, Peach! YES to winning our independence back again, bigger and better and stronger this time.
Very appropriate, Anne. Good one.
Once again Anne - thanks!
We can’t even think about celebrating “Independence” until we run the UN out of this country and deport all the people involved in this trojan horse.
can you just imagine how the native north americans feel?
I'm native to north america. I was born here, as were my parents, their parents, etc.
Who were the first people to occupy this land we call north america? Who knows, with certainty?
GEnerally known as Native North Americans, a genocided People. Known to have the most numbers of and most unrelated languages, even within what we now consider short distances in geography.
But if you were raised on those ;public schools geography books which give two sentences to the residents of the land..."they were here, and then they disappeared"...well, that's what you want to know.
This land was stolen through genocide. Only three hundred years ago was that completed.
Short memories make for short lived cultures. What's the pay back for genocide? Where's the deed from your "god" that told you it was yours to take? You were raised by colonizing conquerors. Banksters. Non humans. What do you expect them to teach you?
Don't matter where you are born. If you see the earth and all within it as something to be bought and sold and owned, then you've turned yourself and your life into a commodity.
Experience that. We didn't get in your way. We said no, we won't be your slaves, we'd rather die. Still holds. So does the fire in the Onondaga Lodge.
We're quickly approaching that time when you won't have anything left to breathe or eat but your money. Enjoy it.
The fire burns on.
Oh good grief...I'm not dismissing what our govt has done to the ppl we call native americans. I'm saying that there is much evidence that other ppl and cultures were here before them. Get off your soap box, honey.
Answer the questions or shut up.
I don't need your insults, they're for you.
I don't need a soap box to tell the truth.
If you have proof of all these people that were here way way way long before you and your guns got here, do put it out . Prove it to me.
What, the only people who were here before you came that you are interested in are the ones who came before the ones you genocided?
Come again? What the fuck?
Prove it to me, or shut up. You can imagine anything that serves you. It don't mean shit.
Just cause you can imagine it, doesn't make it real.
You would be correct tho, if you knew that there were HUMANS on the planet before you came. Ok?
Yes, who knows with certainty? This may just be a troll responding to me here. A computer algorithm. Maybe not even human, maybe from the Euro censoring law. Maybe it's a stock response the machine gives for five hundred years now to the same question. Who knows with certaintly?
Not you, for sure!! I've just entirely disempowered you. Cool,huh?
If a child is born in an airplane, what "country/land" does it belong to? Is it a natural citizen of "space", or of the airline company that owns the plane? What?
this it absolutely perfect. sharing now... thanks Anne! you rock.
(ironically, its a major election day in the UK. a close friend tells me that its very likely that they will go full-on socialist.)
Thank you so much, Warrior Mom! I see the results, Labour in. What does it mean that they're socialist? Isn't the world basically capitalist, i.e., race to the bottom, profit-driven, pitting people against one another, driving down wages? I wonder if it's like in the US, i.e., whoever is in power and screws up royally gets booted out, but essentially we get screwed by both parties.
I honestly don't know what it is about Labour that's more socialist. just repeating what I was told by an 'awake' friend in the UK. I will ask him to describe what that means in practical terms. ;) Seems to me that is all 'rich get richer' no matter what they may claim as a philosophy of governance
True. I saw a comment which sums Starmer up.
"Starmer…..the millionaire socialist. Earns like a Tory, speaks like a Tory, lives like a Tory but pretends to be for the working class."
Thank you for this link!
gee sounds like there's a lot of that going around... here in the US, the Democrats are now pro big biz and pro war. Biden stopped a railroad workers strike who's main beef was safety issues. citizens who lost everything in the Maui fire got a one-time check for $700. just heard today about a water cut-off to farmers in Idaho because of a 'shortage' but... wait for it... scheduled start up of cobalt mining near (under?) their land...
Yes, all of the above is sadly true and so infuriating!!! Thanks for posting, Warrior Mom!
it would make my decade to see a firework mortar lance out "GOD HELPS US" lol! Perfect.
GOD bless you Anne - you rock ! ! ! In GOD we Trust . . .
Susan P, THANK YOU!!!
I really wish we were a constitutional republic instead of a federal corporation
YES, so true, the US is a corporation!
Beautiful! I knew I was gonna be LOL before I even opened it. Not sure why, but bingo.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much, Blue Electric Storm!
My honor.
Do one on the lodge fire still held by the Onondaga. Do one on the Great Law of Peace.
They left out the two most important parts when they copied for their "constitutional" cock-tails. The language speaks itself.