Thank you, Paul! YES!!! May more people realized we’re being attacked on all sides from those who believe they can do and get away with whatever they want!
Well put, Zack! It is confounding that humans put up with so much from so very few! If and when we can pull together and refuse to accept the power of a small cabal that would rather eliminate us than share the wealth they steal from us, it’s game over. A great awakening is desperately needed!
Thanks for the suggestion, Zack! I’ll check out the link as soon as I get a chance, and if it’s something I think I can do something with, I’ll gladly put it in my hopper.
altering humans. trans humanism. genderless society. "humans are hackable animals" Yuval Noah Harari. take your mRNA gene therapy. it's safe and effective even though when you take it you don't know what it's doing to you. humans made in test tubes is our future. no procreation. mucking with the human body and the human mind. and on top of that - a financial collapse the likes the world has never seen. beam me up Scottie!
Is it just me or does it feel like all this bs is coming to a head what with Parker Posie in NZ and the latest attack on Billboard Chris? Not to mention the absolute insanity of Drag Queen Story Hour
I think it is coming to a head, Irene! Have you seen what happened to Riley Gaines, the swimmer who actually TIED with Lia Thomas at that swimming last spring? (They told her she’d get her trophy in the mail and give the one they had to Lia — for the photo op!) She’s been speaking out since that and recently got swarmed by trans activists screaming at her as she walked down a corridor. And don’t get me started about Drag Queen Story Hour! It’s beyond words how sick all this is!
Yes I did see what happened to Riley. Terrible. I don’t understand why so many young women don’t see this trans crap as the height of misogyny. #TransWomenAreConMen
particularly nauseating is Lia walking around naked and showing 'its' arousal when using the same showers and changing rooms as the other team members. talking about misogyny.
So insulting, demeaning, disgusting! Women have to refuse to put up with this crap! Period. Refuse to swim, en masse. Refuse to change with this lecherous lug in the locker room. That women have to do this onslaught is outrageous, but it will put an end to it or all hell will break loose!
YES!!! This came it came at us from a different angle — men identifying with qualities they see more often in women than me — fine! But thinking that makes them women, come on!!! Share our spaces?? How arrogant can they get? How about seeing things from our point of view if they think we’re so damned terrific! How about showing some respect??? Misogyny indeed!
"I don’t understand why so many young women don’t see this trans crap as the height of misogyny."
But it's not misogyny. It's a celebration of women and specifically 'female empowerment'. Just like Monroe, Madonna, Ga Ga, Beyonce, Perry and a thousand other plastic, vacuous, unfeminine Hollywood women who have been performing their own female drag acts/ 'woman face' for decades to wild applause. People like Mulvaney are just copying the modern 'empowered woman'. They are a mirror to what women have become in mainstream, corporate, post feminist culture. The fact that they lack vaginas just means society is able to judge the vacuousness of the 'modern empowered woman' without having to worry about offending women or being called a 'traditionalist' (the ultimate insult in our post feminist society).
Society doesn't really do misogyny because both men and women are hard wired to be gynocentric. That's why the transhuman agenda to destroy gender, family, parenting and natural reproduction has been working under FEMINISM to implement its social engineering.... because anything flying the banner of 'pro-women' gets universal (and unthinking) approval... not least from women themselves.
Feminists have so little self awareness they can't even see that they created the very monster that they are now calling 'misogyny' and blaming men for. And men are so devoted to women they can't admit that feminist women have been appropriating men's identity and men's gender roles for decades. Feminism was always a form of transgender ideology. 'Feminist angst' is just mild gender dysphoria, created by feminist ideology (an ideology which encourages women to act like men).
Men's gender identity is much more associated with what they DO (their careers etc). Did anybody complain when feminist women infiltrated male workspaces and male social spaces and started laying down the law, and began appropriating male clothing and (caricatured versions of) male social and sexual behaviour, male ambition and even male sexuality? Did anybody accuse women of putting on 'man face' over the last 30 years? No. What about women firefighters having the physical requirements lowered so they could dress up in firefighters clothes and then fail at dragging an unconscious body out of a burning building? How is that not 'manface'? It's considered a god given right for women to invade male spaces and inhabit male identities, all in the name of 'female empowerment', and anyone who so much as frowns on it is accused of being an old fashioned, sexist pig.
Watch any Hollywood movie or TV show/ advert of the last 30 years and you'll see women beating up men twice their size, being the primary earner in a relationship, being high flying executives and fighter pilots etc etc. When women do it it's empowerment, when men do it it's misogyny.
The problem with calling it misogyny is that it implies women have played no role in deconstructing gender, when it was in fact progressive, feminist women who have deconstructed gender over the last 50 years, with men playing very little part in it at all.
Men might police moral standards, but women SET them. Men might enforce gender roles, but women DEFINE them. When women reject their own femininity, men are literally unable to be masculine in response. Go to any drag queen story hour and it's all women in the audience cheering and whooping. Amazon is full of pornographic books aimed at female readers all about mothers force feminising their little boys, and getting them to wear girls clothes to 'teach them a lesson' and how not to give in to the boy's protests and crying and basically break them until they accept their new gender identity as a girl. That's technically pedo porn yet it's allowed on Amazon because the target consumers are women. Women are powerless victims, so women don't need to be held to any moral standards, or be responsible for social ills - that's men's role. When female teachers rape their male students it's called an 'inappropriate relationship' rather than what it is: rape.
The previous waves of feminism have implemented the transhuman agenda to destroy gender, pair bonding and the family as far as possible, with women now thinking nothing of taking artificial hormones so they can have promiscuous sex, having 'careers' instead of families and cats instead of children. Now we have a new wave of feminism which seeks to give puberty blockers and cross sex hormones to children without even consulting their parents. This is only one step further than women handing over their own children to be raised in daycare (day abandonment) facilities and government indoctrination camps - something which has already been completely normalised (as cross sex hormones will be in another generation's time).
Every wave of feminism is outraged by the subsequent wave that it spawned. But feminists continually refuse to accept responsibility, because that is to acknowledge that women have social power (and therefore must give up playing the eternal victim). Now that trans people are getting all the attention and sympathy a lot of older feminists are jealous so they do what they always do, which is to play the victim, cry 'misogyny!' and blame it all on men.
So no, this is not misogyny. Humans - as a species and a society - are incapable of misogyny. Humans are gynocentric by nature. Modern, progressive, post feminist women deconstructed gender and brought us to this point, and only women can reverse it and clean up the mess. Shouting 'misogyny' and blaming men is the opposite of accepting responsibility and accepting female agency (female social power).
It's encouraging to see a few younger women on youtube and tik tok starting to define women by biology and female instinctual traits again.... the first time natural biologically based womanhood has been celebrated and encouraged in at least 30 years. For a lot of feminists (or just feminist indoctrinated modern women) it's going to be a revolution-of-the-mind to realise the only way to reclaim female identity and female spaces is to first withdraw from men's.
Sorry this is a very jumbled up comment. This topic doesn't fit well into clear, snappy posts. Please forgive ramblings :)
Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023Liked by Anne Gibbons
When I saw a clip of Riley being mugged by that gang of grotesque miscreants, I fantasized the Michelle Yeoh character from CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON suddenly appearing amongst them and administering a well deserved beating to several of these bullies.
It is. I say we follow a timeline similar to WW2 only 80 years ago. If one considers what happened back then one can expect something significant. My links if you are interested.
Circumcision is genital mutilation, whether practiced on men or women.
Genital mutilation whether done for religious reasons or for “transition” as encouraged by a deranged minority of less than one percent of the population, is an abomination.
Maimonides,12th century Jewish philosopher, stated,
—The bodily pain caused to that member is the real purpose of circumcision. The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable. For if at birth this member has been made to bleed and has had its covering taken away from it, it must indubitably be weakened.
Thank you Anne for demonstrating the barbarity of this practice on women.
Thanks for pointing this out, Dosamuno! Male circumcision has become so ubiquitous, I’m afraid I didn’t even think about it when doing this cartoon. How has it gotten such a pass?
fresh foreskin is big business... a tiny patch can generate yards of skin used for burn victims and it's also used in ointments to remedy certain cancers. The trauma may well cause enduring psychology disturbances, unfathomable because it was experienced at such a young age.
If foreskin can help cancer patients, what was it doing for the guy who originally owned it?
If I remember correctly from research done many years ago, people 'selling' the foreskins would be inclined not to use anesthesia because it diminishes usability.
While I’m nursing school the line we were fed was that “they barely even feel it” FALSE!! I witnessed several peacefully sleeping babies start screaming when the procedure started. Barbarism doesn’t begin to describe it. Needless to say, both of my boys remain intact.
I’ve never been to one, not being Jewish, so I’ve been spared, but a good friend whose Jewish family descended on them and took over totally. She took a long, sad walk so she wouldn’t have to hear her son crying. It would be great to see a movement emerge to stop this hideous practice.
Most brainwashed adults have become desensitized to it, but the helpless little infant boys! So great that you got the heads up in nursing school and spared your sons!
Well put Dosamuno. My sister did not want her son circumcised, but her husband overrode her wishes and absolutely insisted. "I don't want him to look different from me." Not Jewish either. Just brainwashed.
And it can go the other way, religious reason and no "look like me" reason on the part of the intact father. Because DemonState, I guess. White-coated 'authorities' are trusted by those who lack awareness of their own authority AND responsibility. When a mother lets that happen to an infant, say good-bye to much of the mother-child bond. It's been forever diminished if not destroyed.
Sorry Anne, coffee just now kicked in. You are pumping irony this AM! Very pointed then and now on “religious” female mutilation and the government-sanctioned version ( only these are including breast removal in their itinerary, protocol, or little welcome to hell jig.)
Thanks, John! It hadn’t occurred to me that the irony might not be obvious, John, but glad you got the point! The disconnect between seeing one practice as so clearly harmful and these other horrors as positive for one’s body has been in the back of my mind for months. Finally figured out a way to channel my thoughts into a cartoon.
Another brilliant salvo, Anne. Here along the same lines is our illustrated version of Vera Sharav’s historic address on the 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial. She connects transhumanism to the Holocaust.
Thanks for posting this link, ejimagine! I agree it might give kids pause to hear from someone so young about her own personal experience with getting sucked into the trans agenda.
Thank you, Paul! YES!!! May more people realized we’re being attacked on all sides from those who believe they can do and get away with whatever they want!
Thanks, authoreyezing! Totally enjoyed this.
Well put, Zack! It is confounding that humans put up with so much from so very few! If and when we can pull together and refuse to accept the power of a small cabal that would rather eliminate us than share the wealth they steal from us, it’s game over. A great awakening is desperately needed!
Thanks for the suggestion, Zack! I’ll check out the link as soon as I get a chance, and if it’s something I think I can do something with, I’ll gladly put it in my hopper.
And here we are, under attack from our own colluding government! In every way you mention!
Thanks, J.R.!
Yep. They're all busy bodies. All up in your bidness.
Edited for spelling. Please forgive me, I've been up >24hrs.
Busy screwing up the next generation as much as they can get away with! Along with all their other diabolical schemes!
altering humans. trans humanism. genderless society. "humans are hackable animals" Yuval Noah Harari. take your mRNA gene therapy. it's safe and effective even though when you take it you don't know what it's doing to you. humans made in test tubes is our future. no procreation. mucking with the human body and the human mind. and on top of that - a financial collapse the likes the world has never seen. beam me up Scottie!
You’ve summed it up very well, Leesy! Thanks for posting.
Thank you for what you sum up Anne! I enjoy your posts very much.
ps I can't Stand IT either!
I hear you!!!
You're very welcome, Leesy!
Is it just me or does it feel like all this bs is coming to a head what with Parker Posie in NZ and the latest attack on Billboard Chris? Not to mention the absolute insanity of Drag Queen Story Hour
I think it is coming to a head, Irene! Have you seen what happened to Riley Gaines, the swimmer who actually TIED with Lia Thomas at that swimming last spring? (They told her she’d get her trophy in the mail and give the one they had to Lia — for the photo op!) She’s been speaking out since that and recently got swarmed by trans activists screaming at her as she walked down a corridor. And don’t get me started about Drag Queen Story Hour! It’s beyond words how sick all this is!
Yes I did see what happened to Riley. Terrible. I don’t understand why so many young women don’t see this trans crap as the height of misogyny. #TransWomenAreConMen
particularly nauseating is Lia walking around naked and showing 'its' arousal when using the same showers and changing rooms as the other team members. talking about misogyny.
So insulting, demeaning, disgusting! Women have to refuse to put up with this crap! Period. Refuse to swim, en masse. Refuse to change with this lecherous lug in the locker room. That women have to do this onslaught is outrageous, but it will put an end to it or all hell will break loose!
YES!!! This came it came at us from a different angle — men identifying with qualities they see more often in women than me — fine! But thinking that makes them women, come on!!! Share our spaces?? How arrogant can they get? How about seeing things from our point of view if they think we’re so damned terrific! How about showing some respect??? Misogyny indeed!
"I don’t understand why so many young women don’t see this trans crap as the height of misogyny."
But it's not misogyny. It's a celebration of women and specifically 'female empowerment'. Just like Monroe, Madonna, Ga Ga, Beyonce, Perry and a thousand other plastic, vacuous, unfeminine Hollywood women who have been performing their own female drag acts/ 'woman face' for decades to wild applause. People like Mulvaney are just copying the modern 'empowered woman'. They are a mirror to what women have become in mainstream, corporate, post feminist culture. The fact that they lack vaginas just means society is able to judge the vacuousness of the 'modern empowered woman' without having to worry about offending women or being called a 'traditionalist' (the ultimate insult in our post feminist society).
Society doesn't really do misogyny because both men and women are hard wired to be gynocentric. That's why the transhuman agenda to destroy gender, family, parenting and natural reproduction has been working under FEMINISM to implement its social engineering.... because anything flying the banner of 'pro-women' gets universal (and unthinking) approval... not least from women themselves.
Feminists have so little self awareness they can't even see that they created the very monster that they are now calling 'misogyny' and blaming men for. And men are so devoted to women they can't admit that feminist women have been appropriating men's identity and men's gender roles for decades. Feminism was always a form of transgender ideology. 'Feminist angst' is just mild gender dysphoria, created by feminist ideology (an ideology which encourages women to act like men).
Men's gender identity is much more associated with what they DO (their careers etc). Did anybody complain when feminist women infiltrated male workspaces and male social spaces and started laying down the law, and began appropriating male clothing and (caricatured versions of) male social and sexual behaviour, male ambition and even male sexuality? Did anybody accuse women of putting on 'man face' over the last 30 years? No. What about women firefighters having the physical requirements lowered so they could dress up in firefighters clothes and then fail at dragging an unconscious body out of a burning building? How is that not 'manface'? It's considered a god given right for women to invade male spaces and inhabit male identities, all in the name of 'female empowerment', and anyone who so much as frowns on it is accused of being an old fashioned, sexist pig.
Watch any Hollywood movie or TV show/ advert of the last 30 years and you'll see women beating up men twice their size, being the primary earner in a relationship, being high flying executives and fighter pilots etc etc. When women do it it's empowerment, when men do it it's misogyny.
The problem with calling it misogyny is that it implies women have played no role in deconstructing gender, when it was in fact progressive, feminist women who have deconstructed gender over the last 50 years, with men playing very little part in it at all.
Men might police moral standards, but women SET them. Men might enforce gender roles, but women DEFINE them. When women reject their own femininity, men are literally unable to be masculine in response. Go to any drag queen story hour and it's all women in the audience cheering and whooping. Amazon is full of pornographic books aimed at female readers all about mothers force feminising their little boys, and getting them to wear girls clothes to 'teach them a lesson' and how not to give in to the boy's protests and crying and basically break them until they accept their new gender identity as a girl. That's technically pedo porn yet it's allowed on Amazon because the target consumers are women. Women are powerless victims, so women don't need to be held to any moral standards, or be responsible for social ills - that's men's role. When female teachers rape their male students it's called an 'inappropriate relationship' rather than what it is: rape.
The previous waves of feminism have implemented the transhuman agenda to destroy gender, pair bonding and the family as far as possible, with women now thinking nothing of taking artificial hormones so they can have promiscuous sex, having 'careers' instead of families and cats instead of children. Now we have a new wave of feminism which seeks to give puberty blockers and cross sex hormones to children without even consulting their parents. This is only one step further than women handing over their own children to be raised in daycare (day abandonment) facilities and government indoctrination camps - something which has already been completely normalised (as cross sex hormones will be in another generation's time).
Every wave of feminism is outraged by the subsequent wave that it spawned. But feminists continually refuse to accept responsibility, because that is to acknowledge that women have social power (and therefore must give up playing the eternal victim). Now that trans people are getting all the attention and sympathy a lot of older feminists are jealous so they do what they always do, which is to play the victim, cry 'misogyny!' and blame it all on men.
So no, this is not misogyny. Humans - as a species and a society - are incapable of misogyny. Humans are gynocentric by nature. Modern, progressive, post feminist women deconstructed gender and brought us to this point, and only women can reverse it and clean up the mess. Shouting 'misogyny' and blaming men is the opposite of accepting responsibility and accepting female agency (female social power).
It's encouraging to see a few younger women on youtube and tik tok starting to define women by biology and female instinctual traits again.... the first time natural biologically based womanhood has been celebrated and encouraged in at least 30 years. For a lot of feminists (or just feminist indoctrinated modern women) it's going to be a revolution-of-the-mind to realise the only way to reclaim female identity and female spaces is to first withdraw from men's.
Sorry this is a very jumbled up comment. This topic doesn't fit well into clear, snappy posts. Please forgive ramblings :)
When I saw a clip of Riley being mugged by that gang of grotesque miscreants, I fantasized the Michelle Yeoh character from CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON suddenly appearing amongst them and administering a well deserved beating to several of these bullies.
It is. I say we follow a timeline similar to WW2 only 80 years ago. If one considers what happened back then one can expect something significant. My links if you are interested.
Yikes! What’s next!? No, wait……….I don’t really want to know.
Yes, really, I don’t want to know either! It keeps turning out to be more than my worst nightmares!! Thanks, John!
Circumcision is genital mutilation, whether practiced on men or women.
Genital mutilation whether done for religious reasons or for “transition” as encouraged by a deranged minority of less than one percent of the population, is an abomination.
Maimonides,12th century Jewish philosopher, stated,
—The bodily pain caused to that member is the real purpose of circumcision. The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable. For if at birth this member has been made to bleed and has had its covering taken away from it, it must indubitably be weakened.
Thank you Anne for demonstrating the barbarity of this practice on women.
It is equally barbaric when done to men.
Thanks for pointing this out, Dosamuno! Male circumcision has become so ubiquitous, I’m afraid I didn’t even think about it when doing this cartoon. How has it gotten such a pass?
Bronze Age superstition that persists in the 21 Century.
fresh foreskin is big business... a tiny patch can generate yards of skin used for burn victims and it's also used in ointments to remedy certain cancers. The trauma may well cause enduring psychology disturbances, unfathomable because it was experienced at such a young age.
Wow, I never thought about following the money on this. WOW!!!
If foreskin can help cancer patients, what was it doing for the guy who originally owned it?
If I remember correctly from research done many years ago, people 'selling' the foreskins would be inclined not to use anesthesia because it diminishes usability.
The "excuse" given is that painkillers don't work on infants.
While I’m nursing school the line we were fed was that “they barely even feel it” FALSE!! I witnessed several peacefully sleeping babies start screaming when the procedure started. Barbarism doesn’t begin to describe it. Needless to say, both of my boys remain intact.
I've witnessed the same thing and will no longer attend a circumcision.
Good for you and your kids, Chekstein!
I’ve never been to one, not being Jewish, so I’ve been spared, but a good friend whose Jewish family descended on them and took over totally. She took a long, sad walk so she wouldn’t have to hear her son crying. It would be great to see a movement emerge to stop this hideous practice.
Most brainwashed adults have become desensitized to it, but the helpless little infant boys! So great that you got the heads up in nursing school and spared your sons!
Well put Dosamuno. My sister did not want her son circumcised, but her husband overrode her wishes and absolutely insisted. "I don't want him to look different from me." Not Jewish either. Just brainwashed.
And it can go the other way, religious reason and no "look like me" reason on the part of the intact father. Because DemonState, I guess. White-coated 'authorities' are trusted by those who lack awareness of their own authority AND responsibility. When a mother lets that happen to an infant, say good-bye to much of the mother-child bond. It's been forever diminished if not destroyed.
It’s much like vaccination in the way that it’s taken for granted, although there’s absolutely no reason to justify it!
No thinking required by the "deciders"/parents who fall for it. Just more of this rules-based order of insanity.
No thinking required, and no thinking desired! :-(
Our world is morally bankrupt.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
Isaiah 5:20
Isaiah nailed it, didn’t he! Thank you, PamelaZelie!
Sorry Anne, coffee just now kicked in. You are pumping irony this AM! Very pointed then and now on “religious” female mutilation and the government-sanctioned version ( only these are including breast removal in their itinerary, protocol, or little welcome to hell jig.)
Thanks, John! It hadn’t occurred to me that the irony might not be obvious, John, but glad you got the point! The disconnect between seeing one practice as so clearly harmful and these other horrors as positive for one’s body has been in the back of my mind for months. Finally figured out a way to channel my thoughts into a cartoon.
Another brilliant salvo, Anne. Here along the same lines is our illustrated version of Vera Sharav’s historic address on the 75th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial. She connects transhumanism to the Holocaust.
You make a very apt analogy Anne.
Hypocrisy everywhere working to discombobulate us and make us mad and cause battles.
Every preteen and teen should have to watch this it might prevent needless tragedy
Thanks for posting this link, ejimagine! I agree it might give kids pause to hear from someone so young about her own personal experience with getting sucked into the trans agenda.
What's going to be next, I wonder... Ass-backwards surgery?
trading heads
People have been speaking out them for years so maybe a suitable operation. :)
I dare say there is a Trans Ass-ociation. Or perhaps it is a Trans ass O'C.I.A. 'T' ion!
Love this! I'm posting this on all social media.
That’s great, Joseph, thanks!!!