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Mar 31, 2023
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Thanks so much, Paul! I deeply appreciate your encouragement and enthusiasm about my drawings. Totally makes my day!!!

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Mar 25, 2023
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Thanks, Libor!

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Mar 24, 2023
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Thank you, Zack! Anne Smiles!

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I like drinking silica rich water (diamataceous earth) as a strategy- helps chelate aluminum. If you hear ringing in your ears, it could be EmF from Haarp etc:


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Thanks for this info, Roman! I have a ton of diamataceous earth, which I used years ago to detox heavy metals for a while, and then got out of the habit. Looking forward to checking out your link. Glad to say I haven’t had ringing in my ears, and I hope I never do. Our bodies and souls are under such assault from every which way, it’s amazing we’re still breathing!

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Glad to hear it! Our bodies are truly miraculous when we treat them with the respect they deserve.

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Hang in there, folks. There are those who fear it, and those who don’t. What’s coming, that is. Stick together. Arm spiritually for its a 5GW. Prepare.

And, if you, or i, should fail, remember: the battlefield on which freedom was won was littered with those who would seek only to be remembered for doing the right thing.

Standing when others cowered. Speaking when others fell silent. Praying when others would deny the truth, and its eternal source. Let us take the power of their sacrifice and march onward, together. Come what may. 🙏🏽🇨🇦

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Mar 25, 2023
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Thank you, Rick! It makes me so sad to hear about the birds you’re no longer seeing, and the plants dying. So far, our garden seems fine, but I often wonder if/when we’ll no long be able to grow anything. Tragic!!! And so damned infuriating!

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Thank you for your thoughtful and encouraging comment, Stevanovitch!

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This Chinadian(!). Was in Ottawa last feb. We felt we were anointed with the humble pride of a nation. You, who walk, run, stumble on the road to freedom and fight the good fight in any way you can, deserve my humble gratitude. Win or lose, its eternity that shall be the judge.

You, my friend, have already won. 🙏🏽

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Chinadian? I love it!!! Ottawa last year was the first real breath of fresh air and hope to greet our till then dreary world. Great that you were there!

Thank you for your kind words, fellow freedom fighter!

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What a tense mood developed in me, indeed in many of us in Nov 2022. Realizing i could not be the only one lamenting, grieving the imminent loss of a beautiful country so dear, saddened me deeply.

Then, i saw it... ( remembering the truckers and farmers challenging ottawa over the years).. Oh... yah, the Truckers! Guess what, hon, they’re Coming! To ottawa! Late January 2022. Unforgettable!

We got the flags, the signs, the poles made up and headed for the nearest 401, at hwy 6. Hope was never so high, and freedom smelled like diesel.

Success was assured, and we went full of hope and enthusiasm until...

The win was unlike our plan( politicians communicating) but on escaping ottawa, days passed b4 we realized that God works in mysterious ways; accept this form of victory. When government tyrants reveal their powerlust and murderous nature, we learn. And get poised to win, again. 🙏🏽🚚🚜

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Beautiful! God works in mysterious ways, indeed!

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What else aren't they lieung about?

Is there a way to believe any part of their narrative?

Needlerape without the needles.

Record rains in CA after ceaseless skypainting....

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And don't forget -the extraterrestrials are coming! In balloons. And those in the know say they eat people - but only the unvaaxed.

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It’s a looney bin in every way! Thanks, dubbydove1!

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Thank you, Grasshopper! Yes, what else are they lying about, indeed? Seems they are hell bent on destroying farming in CA, and probably everywhere. Anti-human, anti-nature, anti-life nutcases obsessed with power and control. So right - needle rape - why bother with needles??

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Thank you!

My housemate thought I was crazy for years - then she finally actually LOOKED at the skies; sometimes it takes a while, but sooner or later, people often see what's there and more are aware all the time. I can hear it - it seems she can't, but we are on different floors...

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Great that your housemate came around, Dorothy N.! My husband and I used to be incapable of talking about chemtrails without both of us getting furious. Somehow we figured out how to talk about it calmly. For years, I just took photos of the sky to at least bear silent witness to what was happening, since no one I knew was on the same page.

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Kinda scary and lonely feeling, isn't it? And he being a spouse would be SO much worse than having friends and siblings referring to 'you and your conspiracy theories'.

But good on you for maintaining a photographic record!

Too many people are so out of touch with nature - with reality - that they miss even the most obvious signs... in much the same manner that I've been known to miss something under (rather than over) my nose in the fridge...

I suppose that missing the obvious in some areas may be part of the human condition, at this stage, but difficult to deal with when prospectively life-and-death situations seem to be invisible to some people, even when going on, right there, in front of them.

No wonder the perps think they'll always be able to fool enough of the people enough of the time, after getting away with so many repetitions of so many obvious frauds and False Flags, although I suspect that this one's showing enough wear that (maybe, by now,) enough can see the falseness oozing through. Hope so, at any rate!

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I hope so, too, Dorothy N.! Fortunately, my husband has come around in a big way regarding geoengineering and the climate change falsehood, and we’ve been on the same page about the jab, and actual vaccines, from the gitgo.

People can be in denial all they want, but the truth is presenting itself, and will keep doing so. Let’s hope those with heads in the sand getting kicked in the butt enough to get with the program!

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I'm so glad for you both! AND for the seeming trend!

Lol, I suspect that quite a number of those have BEEN finally beginning to notice that they're getting their butts kicked, with more pulling their heads out of either location all of the time.

They may not know it all - but even just knowing that they DON'T really 'know it all already 'cause media' can make all of the difference in - and to - the world.

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Yes, absolutely, Dorothy N.!

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I think they want to turn the world into New Jersey :(

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These slime buckets persist in taking a wrecking ball to the planet and doing their utmost to suck the joy out of our lives. Won’t happen! The human spirit endures, one way or another, through unspeakable atrocities. That said, who wants atrocities??

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Wow Anne, you're listening in on my conversations. What we've experienced in CA is not natural weather. We NEVER get lightning, much less summer lightning over the ocean that starts forest fires in multiple places at once. And bomb cyclone? Who's even naming these things? 'Atmospheric river?' Sounds like a John Cage song.

And those blizzards on the day after Christmas that shut all air travel down for days--including within California because Southwest just happened to have a computer glitch on the same day. Not accidental.

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Mar 24, 2023
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Interesting on the Central Valley. I've already been saying that this is an attack on food. My citrus is rotting on the trees before it's even ripe. Blossoms are knocked off before they can be pollinated. Shoots are drowned and tractors are mired. Wind like I've never felt in my 40 yrs here, where I'm surprised my windows are holding. And then clear blue skies.

Someone posted on my last Substack about the patents being filed and Andrew Huff has one for an app to track shipping schedules and be able to locate food. WTF?

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be well y'all

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Thanks, mary-lou!

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This is heart-breaking, Tereza! I think you’re right that it’s an attack on food. That wind? There was crazy wind in East Palestine after the train derailed and went on fire. Out of the blue. Spreading toxins over all that fabulous farmland??? These sociopaths must be stopped! It’s too damned much!!!

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I’m not in California - I’m in New York! Cold, wet winter in Central Valley? Sunny California???

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In the 80's in NYC, after the end of rent control and rents started going through the stratosphere, landlords used to hire drug addicts and general antisocial types to move into their buildings to get the good tenants to leave so they could inflate the rents. Sounds like those who believe they own the earth are starting to do the same with the planet. Anything to get us off the planet they own.

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Great analogy, dubbydove1! They also set fires in the South Bronx. These greedy psychopaths want everything for themselves — or rather, they want to create an artificial reality divorced from nature. Unspeakable.

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Thanks for your comment, Tereza! I have heard from several people in CA about the insane weather over the past few weeks, and now the disastrous flooding. Dane Wigington talked about that, and how catastrophic it would be for farming.

The weather they’re creating is so spectacularly unnatural, they must not care about hiding it.

Hadn’t heard the phrase “bomb cyclone” but boy, it fits their weather-as-a-weapon agenda!

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Yes that was the official name for the storms that started NYE day and went on for several weeks. Then it switched to the Atmospheric River. Crazy that they name them what they are.

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Atmospheric River??? Are they playing games with us? There's so much pageantry with all these weather events.

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Yes, I've been saying it sounds like a John Cage song. One that breaks levees, washes away cliffs, and drowns crops.

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I'll have to look up John Cage. Not familiar with him or his work.

This is sick, sick, sick!!!

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Here are some of his titles:

And the Earth Shall Bear Again, prepared piano, 1941

The City Wears a Slouch Hat, radio play, percussion 1942

Forever and Sunsmell, low voice, 2 percussion, 1942

Totem Ancestor, prepared piano, 1942

The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs, low voice, closed piano, 1942

Our Spring will Come, piano, 1943

She is Asleep, quartet for 12 tomtoms, duet for low voice, prepared piano, 1043

Tossed as it is Untroubled (Meditation), prepared piano, 1943

The Perilous Night, prepared piano, 1944

Root of an Unfocus, prepared piano, 1944

Spontaneous Earth, prepared piano, 1944

The Unavailable Memory Of, prepared piano, 1944

Daughters of the Lonesome Isle, prepared piano, 1945

Mysterious Adventure, prepared piano, 1945

Patty Pieces (Sonorous and Exquisite Corpses), 1945, 20 pieces by Cage

Dreams that Money can Buy, film score, 1947

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The “Polar Vortex” lingo appeared on chinadians’ davorite station( the weather network) about 10 years ago. Initially fooled, i thought the End was near.

Its was winter, for chrissakes, in the great white north. A north wind. Arctic air. Cleaner and colder. Big deal.

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So much more relevant than Stormy Daniels! LOL

Hoping that grounding to the earth helps to overcome all these anti- earth phenemena. Can't wait to get my feet on the earth again soon. Let's keep the faith!!

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Absolutely, let’s keep the faith, Peggy, thanks!

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Thank you again Anne. Great work and message/alert.

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Your very welcome, Kelly!

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Great job Anne. The geoengineering debacle has been invisible to climate change activists for many decades.

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Thank you, Gerard! Yes, climate change activists I know have been totally oblivious to geoengineering, accepting the narrative and bemoaning the harm humans have inflicted on the environment. Meanwhile, they’re missing the most lethal damage being done.

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The real one isn't allowed to be talked about.

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ALL THE TIME! Even here in the beautiful state of Wyoming. 😢

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It’s horrific, blanketing the earth with poisons, wreaking unspeakable havoc. This has to be the mother of all crimes against nature and humanity!

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Meanwhile in Arab Emirates, they make it rain once a month by seeding clouds.

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Yes, and in the early 1920’s there was a rainmaker who got it to rain in San Diego, but couldn’t get it to stop, and they refused to pay him. I forget his name — he also worked for the city of LA. History quietly buried.

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