they are having their minds fucked with and taught to question their gender by people like you all the time, everyday, between lunch and recess, before lunch, and after after recess.
There are children born with ambiguous gender as infants receiving these surgeries. A good friend had her gender medically assigned at birth because it makes people (maybe like you) uncomfortable not to know the gender of children, as it prevents them from sexualizing them immediately out of the womb.
Toys you play with using your genitals are not children’s toys. It shouldn't fucking matter.
Boys and girls are ritualistically circumcised. My son (is not) and wants to know why nobody is protesting at hospitals to protect them. My TRANS (horror!) former obgyn repairs women and girls who have been circumcised.
Those are both abuse not getting NEARLY the attention as imaginary school surgery.
“People like me” Sure. Skew unconditional love and acceptance all you want, but my 4 children, from 9 to 21 are perfectly content in the bodies they were born in, thanks.
No. I use my legal name. I don’t have to hide who I am because I don’t spread lies or hate nor am I the one who required the ethics primer.
The biggest lie is that you can change your gender. So please don’t spread that lie
So you condede children are not having their gender changed between lunch and recess?
they are having their minds fucked with and taught to question their gender by people like you all the time, everyday, between lunch and recess, before lunch, and after after recess.
There are children born with ambiguous gender as infants receiving these surgeries. A good friend had her gender medically assigned at birth because it makes people (maybe like you) uncomfortable not to know the gender of children, as it prevents them from sexualizing them immediately out of the womb.
Toys you play with using your genitals are not children’s toys. It shouldn't fucking matter.
Boys and girls are ritualistically circumcised. My son (is not) and wants to know why nobody is protesting at hospitals to protect them. My TRANS (horror!) former obgyn repairs women and girls who have been circumcised.
Those are both abuse not getting NEARLY the attention as imaginary school surgery.
“People like me” Sure. Skew unconditional love and acceptance all you want, but my 4 children, from 9 to 21 are perfectly content in the bodies they were born in, thanks.