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Thanks for this. I don't live in NY, but I will share this to everyone I know. If they succeed, we can count on it spreading. Another reason why I call this period Dark Ages 2! Progress for women: Last time they burned us at the stake - this time they're merely erasing us.

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So far, "merely erasing us."

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As they merely erased Israel's attack on our USS Liberty. LBJ era post JFK assassination. Israel not only bombed the USS Liberty, they used napalm. Killed 25 NSA intelligence officer's


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They do a lot of erasing! Knew about the USS Liberty, but not about their using napalm. Thank you!

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My understanding is that the Israelis have been using napalm on Palestinians+ for quite some time. White phosphorous as well.

And I LOVE your cartoons and they are SO important! Let us hope that nonresidents of New Woke City vote this obscenity down.

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Sickening but not the slightest bit surprising.

Thank you for the vote of confidence in my cartoons, Susan! Much appreciated!

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YouтАЩre welcome, dubbydove1, and itтАЩs great to know youтАЩll be sharing this! The assault on women is mind-boggling and beyond infuriating!

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Erasing us? You mean, as in "rubbing us out'? Or is that mobster slang just revealing my advanced age?

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Are you being disingenous or are you not aware that this transgender ideology is in fact a war on women? When the law actively engages in preventing women, 51% of the human population, from having a voice in order to supposedly ensure the "safety" of the 1% of mentally ill males with gender dysphoria, or claiming to in order to invade women's spaces, yes, we are being erased.

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What a strange response! I was just emphasizing how toxic and deadly transgender activism and politics is to women and girls (not to mention men and boys, i.e., everyone in society). I am at a loss how anyone could construe my remark as minimizing the seriousness of the threat to women (I was literally upgrading the meaning to murder) or that I in any way support any of the trans agenda. I guess dry humor and irony really don't do well in comment sections.

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Sorry I misconstrued your comment. Your comment could go two ways and I assumed the wrong interpretation as I sadly find it pretty common for people to somehow not "get" it when the target of discrimination is the female half of the human race.

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