Love your cartoons! Gotta say tho, as 22 yr vegan, I'm convinced that we will never end wars and torture and abuse and exploitation of humans until we stop the forced breeding programs, theft of babies, imprisonment, torture, and murder of our animal friends. What we do to our animal cousins, we do to ourselves. What we reap, we sow. …
Love your cartoons! Gotta say tho, as 22 yr vegan, I'm convinced that we will never end wars and torture and abuse and exploitation of humans until we stop the forced breeding programs, theft of babies, imprisonment, torture, and murder of our animal friends. What we do to our animal cousins, we do to ourselves. What we reap, we sow. When we stop endorsing and supporting the animal abuse industries with our dollars, they will cease to exist. And then we will live in a more peaceful and compassionate world.
I hear you, Janine! When I was looking at photos of pig roasts for this cartoon, I was repulsed. It was the image that kept coming to mind as a way to illustrate this idea. I wasn't condoning this barbarity. What's done to lab rats, mice, etc., is despicable too, which came to mind when I wrote "We the Guinea Pigs."
So glad to hear you love my cartoons. I subscribe to your blog and look forward to listening!
Love your cartoons! Gotta say tho, as 22 yr vegan, I'm convinced that we will never end wars and torture and abuse and exploitation of humans until we stop the forced breeding programs, theft of babies, imprisonment, torture, and murder of our animal friends. What we do to our animal cousins, we do to ourselves. What we reap, we sow. When we stop endorsing and supporting the animal abuse industries with our dollars, they will cease to exist. And then we will live in a more peaceful and compassionate world.
I hear you, Janine! When I was looking at photos of pig roasts for this cartoon, I was repulsed. It was the image that kept coming to mind as a way to illustrate this idea. I wasn't condoning this barbarity. What's done to lab rats, mice, etc., is despicable too, which came to mind when I wrote "We the Guinea Pigs."
So glad to hear you love my cartoons. I subscribe to your blog and look forward to listening!
Thank you!