What’s funny to one person falls flat with another, but it’s true that I don’t try to be funny above all else. What I hope to do is make light of horrific realities so they’re easier to take in without being undone by them. If and when I can be laugh out loud funny, I will gladly do that!
What’s funny to one person falls flat with another, but it’s true that I don’t try to be funny above all else. What I hope to do is make light of horrific realities so they’re easier to take in without being undone by them. If and when I can be laugh out loud funny, I will gladly do that!
What’s funny to one person falls flat with another, but it’s true that I don’t try to be funny above all else. What I hope to do is make light of horrific realities so they’re easier to take in without being undone by them. If and when I can be laugh out loud funny, I will gladly do that!