Absolutely chilling, Anne.

Well done!

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I totally agree, Perplexity! Thank you!

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Astounding, isn't it?

...and what was done to the Canadian truckers, too.

I am a supporter of the documentary film "Trucking For Freedom" [https://www.truckingforfreedom.com/chapters?vgo_ee=O%2BZ8%2B4SDH3LmEPSep3UedwRjRfWR%2FI9wYteVwDU4N1A%3D] , which chronicles the early-2022 Canadian Trucker Convoy that sparked spontaneous protests across the globe.

So many brave souls stepped up to the plate in Canada--POLITELY--and the totalitarian Fudeau & co. went hog-wild with their WEFish fascism. Unconscionable.

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Thank you, Bret! I look forward to checking out the documentary. I totally agree with you about the fascistic response to the truckers’ powerful and peaceful protest.

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A link to Dr Phil? Really? The dude is so stupid it's amazing he can walk and talk, stupid enough to give himself Type II diabetes (this is not to blame people with diabetes, but for someone who yapped continuously about weight loss (Dr Phil) but didn't have sense enough to eat and exercise properly it's grotesque).

When 10,000 citizens in a country the size of Canada's population choose suicide, something is seriously suspect.

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Try watching the video before making an ad hominem comment.

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I am not so brain-dead I watch videos of Dr Pill.

I totally support assisted suicide as long as people are COMPETENT to make that decision. However, 10,000 deaths is way out of line.

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I would agree -- that number sounds like the wildly inflated COVID death toll! Where did it come from?

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Ha, ha.

Not a member of Dr Phil fan club either.

If I lived in Canada right now, suicide might seem a viable option.

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NO ONE is a member of that guy's fan club, which is beside the point. It's the content of this particular episode that's relevant, not the host.

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Thank you for commenting, David! I understand “murder” is a strong word to use, but after reading about and watching videos by people who are considering this option, or whom have already died, I believe they are being intentionally boxed into a corner, their lives made so insufferable they have no hope for the future. They are being so actively encouraged to end their lives, it can only be described as coercion. That the goverment engages with people in this way rather than to provide services and support to make their lives better is an abomination.

Getting the permission of a vulnerable person to pull the trigger for them, or give them the means to seems like murder to me. I watched the video, and I understand wanting to have the right to end our lives if and when we choose to, but having the government invite me to do that and provide the means as part of a depopulation agenda is another thing entirely.

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Thanks, Anne. I agree that the whole "depopulation" thing is scary -- and just as insane as "gender-affirmation" surgery and "critical race theory" and vaccine mandates and everything else in Schwab's "Great Reset," of which your pretty-boy prime minister seems so enamored.

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I also watched the video...forced myself to, even though I really hate TV formatting, that emotional manipulation producers and soundtrack creators engage in ("dum-duh-DUMB!" plays under a shot of the Trumper-type guest when he wasn't smiling). They cynically tie the commercial breaks to your ginned up desire to find out who said what to whom after being sold another box of cereal or laundry flakes.

In my opinion, this Dr. Phil episode could have been whittled down to what the ethicist had to say at the end and maybe the hospice nurse, with FAR less time devoted at the beginning to the weepification of Brittany Maynard's death decision. My late wife died of cancer after a prolonged illness, so I know firsthand what's at stake, as regards what this discussion was trying to address.

The show achieved its purpose, which was to get you to come back after commercial break.

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I totally agree Anne! Murder by the government dressed up as caring.

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“The thought of suicide is a powerful comfort: it helps one through many a dreadful night”

(Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil)

I agree.

However, I don't want anyone making the decision for me.

Good work, Anne—as always..

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Thank you, Dosamuno! I totally agree with you. By the way, thank you for sharing that fabulous Bob Moran cartoon! I emailed you but it bounced back. :-(

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Don't hesitate to request a ride to and from the airport when you go to pick up your Pulitzer.

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Trudeau is part of a cabal which is depopulating us. They are hand picking who goes.

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And while we're at it: Truck Fudeau.

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Yes, royally Truck Fudeau!

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Yes, absolutely, Alexandra! Thank you.

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Horrific concept....but well done again Anne.

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Thank you, Kelly. Horrific is the word!

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Not to put too fine a point on it, but here's the text of a recent satirical tweet from a commenter who goes by "Justin Trudeau's Ego":

"We've promised to improve healthcare for Canadians, and that's exactly what we're going to do. That's why my Government is launching a new app called ArriveMAiD. Soon you'll be able to sign up for MAiD at home, and it'll be administered by our Health Police in under 15 minutes."

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Coincidentally, this just arrived via another Substack:

Contact the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister greatly values the thoughts and suggestions of Canadians. You may write or fax his office at:

Office of the Prime Minister

80 Wellington Street

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

Fax: 613-941-6900

You can email Trudeau’s office via this site:


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Headline from a post today on Prof. Mark Crispin Miller's Substack:

"Trudeau's government now teaching kids that (if they're 15 or over) they can kill themselves, with doctors' help, and it won't hurt a bit!"

And the subhead: "Time was when young Americans exiled themselves to Canada to keep from getting killed in Vietnam. Canada today is mainly a great place to die."

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Thank you. Here is my article on the chilling horror of MAiD: https://truth613.substack.com/p/pushing-suicide-in-canada-lets-see

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Thank you and shared. Very timely.

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You’re welcome, Torgul, and thank you for sharing! It makes my day to know my cartoons are getting out and about!

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Brilliant work. And it's not even exaggerated!! It's totally real and true. Who can believe this?

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Thank you so much, Celia! Yes, it’s absolutely true, and even when we see it, clear as day, boldy bragged about, it’s unbelievable that we are witnessing such unfathomable evil.

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What has happened to our world? Was it all a mirage?

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Good question, Cathleen! I’m afraid maybe it was!

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No gal, turdo became the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler, got voted in and the rest is history.

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Good one gal.

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