We need to re-evaluate our values. Like those on top we often believe power and money are supreme. But wealth, power, and control are addictions - why would you strive for that?
We've escaped that false Narrative, our masters have not. "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?"
We need to re-evaluate our values. Like those on top we often believe power and money are supreme. But wealth, power, and control are addictions - why would you strive for that?
We've escaped that false Narrative, our masters have not. "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?"
I agree, buddhi, and I think that’s why we’ll win in the end. They seem to be in freefall, flailing around manically, wreaking havoc until they crash. The sooner we facilitate their landing, the better!
We need to re-evaluate our values. Like those on top we often believe power and money are supreme. But wealth, power, and control are addictions - why would you strive for that?
We've escaped that false Narrative, our masters have not. "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?"
I agree, buddhi, and I think that’s why we’ll win in the end. They seem to be in freefall, flailing around manically, wreaking havoc until they crash. The sooner we facilitate their landing, the better!