Interested in keeping yourself out of digital prison? Reading “From Feeding Moloch to ‘Digital Minimalism’ by Ruth Gaskovski prompted me to join the Community Digital Detox she’s called for from May 1st to May 31st. Her entire post is well worth reading, but you can scroll through to the end to see details about the Detox. If you’re like me and you start at the beginning, my guess is you’ll want to sign on by the time you get to that section!
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Good morning Anne:) I see that you did "more than like" my article. Thanks so much for this rallying call; I greatly appreciate it and hope it will encourage others to join in.
I think many readers find themselves nodding along when they reflect on the eroding effects digital media is having on our humanity, but the question is whether we are willing to actually start acting. This is not easy, but it is essential. Seth Haines wrote in a recent article, "Any idea is only as good as its physical or tangible manifestation".
I'll be posting another (briefer) article tomorrow to get readers ready for a 'digital detox pilgrimage'.
Thanks again!
Thank you so much for sharing Ruth's page Anne. There are so many things we can do on a health level to protect ourselves from these devices - but we need to start today. I'll check out the Detox!