HOUSES GONE but TREES STILL STANDING?! Interview with Forensic Arborist Robert Brame
We’re now a full week into these devastating fires raging through Los Angeles, and the situation has been nothing short of heartbreaking. I’m so grateful to have my friend, Healthy American and forensic arborist Robert Brame back on my channel for an updated interview…
a month ago · 160 likes · 132 comments · Peggy Hall
The plastic bin conundrum is certainly strange. Why the satellites and smart meters need to go bye-bye. So many want to love up on Musk and Trump, but they can't have it both ways. The technocrats will take over if we let them.
Do not worry...the same people working on the JFK assassination and UFOs will be checking into this soon. What? You can't wait another 75 years to find the answers? What? You don't trust the "new" government?