I agree!

I haven't cut my phone off completely yet, but most days I leave it off and in a drawer.

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I don't own a not-very-smart-to-be-using, so-called 'smart'-phone.

I'm already encountering discrimination for not being able to click on a link that some entity (like a bank) wants to text to me. Ugh.

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Me neither...I have a flip phone..pay as you go.....for emergencies when I go for walks, etc....

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Same here. I hate carrying it around, so if I'm feeling "adventuresome" I leave it at home.

The provider mandated a device upgrade by dropping 3G service, end of last year. Also, in summer of 2021, they massively screwed around with the terms of the mega-cheap grandfathered pay-as-you-go plan. ($5 per month plus taxes/fees.) They made changes without stipulating what they were. I had to discover over time by trial and error. Now there's even less incentive for me to turn the thing on.

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Me too.

So many of my friends have goddamned smart phones which they're always checking.

Seems like addiction.

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we're smarter than our phone.

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Absolutely, mary-lou!

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Seems like an addiction? It is an addiction, plain and simple. Just like Face Book and all the other shit they throw at us.

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AMEN, GreaterIsrahell!

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It IS an addiction, absolutely! Worthy of forming Cell Phones Anonymous!

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Hi. My name is Dosamuno and I'm a smartphoneaholic.

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Hi, Dosamuno! ;-)

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That’s my next step, StellaMaris!

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Thanks for commenting, Brek! It is totally inconvenient not to use these litte monsters, and people treat you as if you’ve lost your marbles when you don’t have one with you, don’t want to be texted, etc. Personally, I detest texting!

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Yes to that bit about being treated as less than human...BY THE HUMANS WHO ARE BEHAVING LESS THAN HUMANELY. That's what really boggles my mind. (Where's the "diversity, inclusion and equity" in that?)

There is an intrinsic arrogance in expecting everyone to merge with these devices. I understand WHY the surveillance state is as arrogant as it is to begin with and then wants to push use of the devices that they themselves rigged for their purposes. But consumer adoption is key to all this.

That last part seems to have crossed a threshold into a no-humans-allowed zone or is poised to go there very soon. I won't be following that path.

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Nor will I, Brek! The Zombies can have their Field Day without us!

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Phone technology peaked with the answering machine.

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If only my husband would. I can't get away from all the tech stuff and wonder what it is doing to me since I am the sickly one. He keeps his phone on him or beside him at all times. It is within 2 feet of him while he sleeps. The big screen teevees are right in front of him, awake and asleep. The related controls and myriad wires are all nearby. He drives while taking or making calls Lap tops also beside us awake and asleep. I can't make it go away.

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You could try something like WiFi KiLL Pro - WiFi Analyzer.

Keep breaking the wifi in one room and maybe he will stop using it there.

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lol...true to your name, eh?

But really, that does sound like a possible solution.

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Post-laugh comment: Well yes, but cell phones are toxic too. Is that a proper way to dispose of it? (I know, I know.)

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Throwing it into an active volcano is the recommended method.

I saw it in a film.

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Along with friends and relatives who prefer the company of the phone to us.

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....ouch..... :-))

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Yes, I've been thinking about that, ClearMiddle! I put my iPhone, iPad and Apple Pencil in a drawer and will see how long I can leave them there. I was realizing if I get rid of them, unlike other items I'm pitching, I don't want to give them to anyone else, which defeats the purpose. I like Evil Harry's active volcano solution. Will keep an eye out for one of those. ;-)

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Yes, the volcano. You can trust it to do the job. Recyclers -- who knows.

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Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland)

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The land of the ice and snow

with the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.

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I have an Android phone that I use only for calls. It's just $11/mo because I don't pay for internet service.

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3% of Americans (and 8% of old people) have no mobile phone at all, and 15% get along without a "smart"phone. Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/mobile/ The survey was done by random-digit-dialing, thus excluding folks with no phone at all (such as prisoners) as well as folks who don't answer calls from unknown numbers.

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"...folks who don't answer calls from unknown numbers."

🤗 Me!!!

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I resemble that remark.

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I won't have a job without the cellphone...sad to report

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fortunately & for the time being I'm still able to resist (but it often feels like a one-person's guerilla fight). be well and keep smiling

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OMG! So true!

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Reject Tech!!!! Eject tech!!!

Hey ho Technocracy has got to go!!!

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Anne, this is so perfect! Thank you!

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thank you Anne! we could slowly work on our loved-ones who still believe in their "smart"phone and make chucking it their New Years' resolution.

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Why wait five months?

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I keep my phone in a Faraday case and in my purse, checking it about once a day.

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Brilliant Anne, and so spot-on.

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Thank you, Azra!

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