Is ‘Extra-Terrestrial Invasion’ the next chapter in The Megalomaniac’s Handbook?
Lately, have you felt like you are living a movie script? Well, this is because, to a large extent, we are. All that we are witnessing and experiencing has already happened – in Hollywood! Holy Wood was a place the druids of old went to cast spells, and Hollywood is the spell-casting arena of the megalomaniac cabal, where they cast their spell-binding pr…
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2 years ago · 193 likes · 107 comments · Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD
Biden's State Department is already run by ETs.
His Press Secretary is clearly from another planet.
They say Russia can stop drones with electronic jamming.
I didn't read the article you cited yet.
I was born in Moscow USSR and that makes me an alien, and yes, Mom made me an American citizen, even while America drove her just bat shit insane. Or was that already true? I used to think many Russians were also crazy. Now I think, if that is so, that is far preferable to the thing that passes for sanity in this extremely troubled country.
I may never return, but I am relearning Russian and slowly getting prepared to leave the land of confusion here but I believe America is gonna be forced to change because how long can Biden remain among the living? And getting away with being literally the worst American ever....
How can he even contemplate another bid for office, he can't walk a straight line or say a straight statement after many decades since he has done anyone any good....