The Full Weaponization of Mother Nature is Upon Us: Western U.S. Get Ready.
Watch now (7 mins) | Dear Substack Readers, While I had a different Substack post I was preparing today, I am very concerned with Hurricane Hilary…. and don’t get me going about that name…. I want to warn those in fire-prone areas (most of the Western US) that they should think seriously about battening the hatches for the possibility of countless fires due to Hilary…
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a year ago · 137 likes · 165 comments · Reinette Senum
....ouch.... so true! and the idea of limiting gas stoves while prohibiting airco? they're as schizofrenic as they come :-((
More than 1,700 students failed to enroll in Lahaina schools after the selective in-place cremation using weather mod and advanced DemonTech weaponry:
Nothing to see here, folks!