Above is a cartoon I did about 5G some time ago. Please share if you think it will help draw attention to this important documentary.
I feel fortunate to know Olle Johansson, who co-produced this documentary with Christine Zipps. It features esteemed experts on wireless technology [Cecelia Doucette, Sharon Goldberg, Paul Heroux, Camilla Rees, Eric Windheim & Jennifer Wood], and invites viewers to draw their own conclusions about the planned rollout of 5G on a massive scale.
I hope you take the time - 55 minutes - to watch it, and to share with friends, family, neighbors and colleagues.
Excerpts from the website:
While there is not a tremendous amount of science on 5G, there exists deep understanding going back decades of how electromagnetic radiation works in the body to disrupt biological functioning. Importantly, 5G will be yet another wireless technology, based on completely new concepts of beamforming with the small cells focusing the transmission in a particular direction towards mobile devices. These include cell phones, laptops, autonomous cars, IoT (Internet of Things) nodes, industrial or military robots.
Much of the content contained in this film are not just hypotheses and theories but also facts grounded in decades of knowledge and earlier scientific understanding about how electromagnetic fields interact with our biology and with other living systems.
Now is the time, before 5G technology becomes pervasive, that societal leaders and citizens must strive to understand what is emerging before us. Now is the time to determine if this is the future we want, saturating our environment with electromagnetic fields and wireless devices and their infrastructure, with the many forms of risk. We seek to put the facts on the table for your consideration.
Please share your comments, questions, suggested corrections and learn more at our website:
With the advent of wireless technology, we are being inundated with EMF on an unprecedented scale. I recently had a medical appointment at the local hospital here where I live. I can’t believe how quickly it affected my cognitive function. I had a nagging headache for a couple days. Come to think of it, everywhere you go, almost all businesses and medical facilities offer free Wi-Fi.
Very nice. Thank you.
"planned" roll out? Been done, that's what the lockdowns were about.
But there's a lot more than just 5G. nexrad, haarp, doplar, dew/s, and lots more where that came from.
It began when the US imposed alternating current, known to be harmful as it creates electromagnetic fields that are strong . And the SMART tech is what it's all about, also.
We're in a real mess. No doubt. We'd all better make peace with our lives.
I've no doubt this weather warfare agenda that has this screaming in our heads for weeks at a time has caused many persons to suicide. It brings me to those thoughts repeatedly.
Not when it's turned down, tho. It's never off, there's no peace. They just loosen the puppet strings now and then, just enough to keep the victim alive for more torture. That's what it is, along with all else it is. A torture program. It was developed by the Israeli military as a weapon of crowd control.
Indeed. And with those phones, the control is insane. You cannot tell people the truth, that they are paying for and carrying around with them everywhere a militarized weapon made to kill them.
It' s so insane. And it hurts.
I wonder how large a canvas would be needed to portray all of this killer tech? And it's right there in the houses. The killer is in the house, lovely horror show.
The technocrats aren't taking over and killing with "bugs". They're doing it of course with technology. DOD. Dept of Death, financing it all plus, this military is simply in control of everything but the bankers who control it, and there's doubts on both sides of that one, I'm sure.
Just be sure to be out of the way when this house of cards falls, which won't be all that long.
The Great Depression really brought folks together. In refuge camps. Woody Guthrie tells about them in his biography.